smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Can't wait til Spenser gets his club done :)

  2. Come check it out. I put in a bunch of stuff yesterday, including a light-up dancefloor and a central switch for all the lights.
  3. I did, pretty awesome. I just imagined everyone like the kids in the gif xD
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres, zulu9 and 2 others like this.
  4. Yeah, I just got this.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  5. Haha, yeah. If you're on now, would you like to help with putting some finishing touches on it?
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  6. Hey guys
    I am sorry to say I will probably not be able to log on at all today and possibly tommorow :(
    Sorry that I have to miss Secret's going-away party :(
    I MAY be able to get on at like 7-8 Colorado time .
    But I can't make any promises.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.

  7. I'm same boat spenser been at the beach since sunday so no internet here
    And it stinks that I'm going to miss it :/
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  8. Hey at least you are at the beach though :D
    Up here in Colorado there have been forest fires everywhere so the air is all smokey n stuff
    I have had to down like half a gallon of water a day because it's so dry XD
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  9. Hey guys, i want to join to LLO, can you allow me to build there?
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  10. Haha true true after a week but a miss by bed I been sleeping a on a 5ft long couch I'm about 6ft
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  11. Oh wow lol
    I get the pleasure of an entire queen sized bed to my self XD
    ( staying with friends in a REALLY big house) :p
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  12. --_-- ......
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  13. Just think of how nice it will be to not sleep on a couch when you finally return XD
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  14. Haha true, going turn my ac unit to 60 and turn off my lights and if anyone messes with me may god help them lol
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  15. Theater was griefed. :(:eek:
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  16. Hmm it must be a supporter that we can't see on the live map or someone signing on doing the grief then signing off all in couple of Mintues
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  17. :( How bad is it?
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  18. Sure. Welcome on board. I will sent you a map and some instructions.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  19. Offline till Monday.

    Dear griefers, **** with my stuff and all cake will break loose.
  20. Party is starting now! :) Sadly, only one person is here ;(
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.