smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. You get you some goodies eh? I hope you enjoy them!
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  2. haha thanks , i Post a picture tomorrow showing why i have crappy connection but im glad i showed you the nether way.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  3. Of course. To clear things up, the list is LLO members that have been here for at least two weeks. Will be working with Zulu to see if we can implement a trial period and make a trial list on the site.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  4. sounds good . Murrgettet is same boat as britbrit. He's working alot lately making that $
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  5. Maybe we can just add the date joined next to the nick from now.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and LZBZ_DW like this.
  6. Apparently people are under the impression that the blaze rods in my grinder are free for the taking.
    Secret or Rob, next time you are out there, please lock the two chests if I don't get to it first. We will hand them out at LLO, guess we can't rely on the no stealing from unlocked chests rule.
    I will go in to more detail in private. Naming names is not allowed in public.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  7. Zulu, I'm PM'ing you the players name as to never admit this person to LLO.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  8. I just joined llo and I wanted to know of I could use some of the grinders thx
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  9. We don't want people who just come for the grinder.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  10. Due to recent issues, we are waiting until we get to know you. We figured 2 weeks to be a fair time frame to do that. Too many people only coming for the grinders, we have shut them down to the public, and require 2 week tenure, or LLO staff approval, which will often come before the 2 weeks is up :)
    I hope you understand, and also note, this is not personal.

    EDIT: I hope to see you around LLO
  11. Ok. Got it.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  12. Hi guys
    I won't be on EMC very much in the next week as I am going on a trip
    I will be online a little bit but not as much as I am on normally
    Just letting the LLO know
    (also letting secret know) cause we are in the middle of obsidian city :p
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  13. ok thats fiar so should i ask you again in 2 weeks
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  14. Sure, or if you are hanging out at LLO and the regulars get to know you, you may be invited out to the spawners sooner than 2 weeks.

    EDIT: As Legit points out below, we are forming an LLO grinder staff at the moment, and we are ironing out this process. You are our involuntary guinea pig :p
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  15. Me, LZBZ, and secret when he gets on, are working on a staff group for the grinders.
  16. nice. just add it to the organizations list on the site so people can see who is on that crew :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  17. I still cant get the site to work for me.... I will get someone else to do it,

    The group will work on the grinders, set up new grinders, and make sure they are used how they should be. I myself will not be directly working with the grinder, because there's no chance in nether I can fix a grinder let alone make one. I will mostly be building non-grinder things at the grinders, such as, possibly, a small house area, The houses would all be pre-built, and would only have a chest, a work bench, and a stove.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  18. What is the issue with the site? Well you can just tell me the name of the group and the members and I'll add it :)
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  19. -Mrlegitislegit

    For name, I guess Blaze grinder staff for now.
    ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.
  20. ZeWildGuy and Jakres like this.