smp5+ coming soon

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. a guy on smp1
  2. Haha gg man, gg
  3. I have the an egg(s) :D
    *cough*chicken's egg*cough*
  4. *cough* * cough* I'm sorry i'm allergic to lies
  5. I thought we decided the end the discussion on the ender dragon egg.........but i guess there really isn't anything else to talk about smp5
  7. Ok all the new hardware is in place, and I have pretty much completed version 2 of the EMC platform (that allows us to expand futher and support future updates like cross server XP!). All that is left is some more testing to ensure we keep the quality and reliability we have now :) I plan on launching smp5 no later than Wednesday (hopefully by Tuesday).
  8. Can't wait to see the launch :D
  9. Wow! I remember when there was only one server. Now there are going to be five servers. :confused:

    I'm glad to watch such a great community expand so quickly! :D

    Now 300 players can play Empire Minecraft at the same time, instead of the original 45 (it was 45 right?) on one server. :D
    (not counting Utopia)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  10. Now I must not wake up late :D
  11. im off work.. finally, a server release i will be present for =)
    MR2R2M, shaunwhite1982 and Crazy1080 like this.
  12. You Justin are epic! Thanks for all your work :)
    Mrsmiley99 likes this.
  13. MR2R2M , that thing we talked about, we need to start first time on SMP5, to ensure its awesomeness.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  14. Echnay on the hicknay, shhh, its a secret (But yes, I agree with you)
  15. ag
    agreed that thing were talling about that other shall not know about, is indeed a secret. BUT WHY ARE WE WHISPERING?????? :) Answer my inbox baiiii XD
  16. Hey! SMP5 is actually online and broadcasting. However, they've whitelisted it. (I think they're doing the aforementioned tests! :D)
    Don't believe me? Add to your server list.
  17. Or just do /who smp5 :p

    I just did that, and it says that the server is offline, I believe Justin only has it online when he needs to check something :)
  18. Haha yes I am still working some of the bugs out of the new EMC platform ;)
    MR2R2M likes this.
  19. Is what I say :p
  20. My plot in Utopia "EMC Community Memorial" (not finished) could use one egg for its interior design since i plan it on making is a museum/monument for all who make EMC possible "The community"

    If the said egg gets removed I'll just try to buy or get a donation of one of the already obtained ones from someone to have as a center piece of the museum