Smp2 - Le Edeen Dur

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by DemonThunder345, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Its so fun love it!
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  2. Update -
    Me and Ant Finished up town hall. Code4 Started Building his Wonderfull House while I got to work on Mine.
    Here are some pics -
    Ps. L.E.D. Stands for Le Edeen Dur :)
  3. IGN: Charip
    You Are Good At: Building, Farming, and some Redstone
    Have you ever been Banned/Kicked From Emc: (Yes Or No) No
    If So ^, Why: N/A
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  4. You Are Accepted I will Pm you cords :)
  5. I guess I forgot to say Which Smp it was on Derp,
  6. My house needs a more non-flat roof.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  7. We added plots for the newcomers to build there houses on. This is actually a bump. :D
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  8. Update -
    * Started Armory
    *Started Mob Toweer
    *Added More things
    *Made More Plots.
    *Removed HeroBrine :p

  9. *ALERT*
    When you choose to fight an enraged creeper at the island, fight him in the water, as they tend to blow up fire. We have already had a bad incident with them blowing up fire.
    Thank You, CoDe4RiDeR
    PenguinDJ and DemonThunder345 like this.
  10. Does anyone have any Ideas for the Armory? :)
  11. Oh Yeah!
    I Finished My House and So did Ant!
    Some Pics :)
    2013-08-11_12.29.39.png 2013-08-11_12.29.51.png
  12. Hey THis looks really cool :D
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  13. Now its not totally done, but I have created a small docking area with a shipping 'company' behind it.

    Here we have shipping boats on either side of the dock (There is also a second dock to the left side). We have the warehouse right in front, which will get more detail soon so it isn't so... blocky :p

    Demon will post the pic of the inside, as it seems to not want to work for me :/
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  14. Ok well its not working for me also. It just doesnt want us to have a pic of it I guess >.>
  15. looks awesome, ashame i dont have enough spare time to join you guys :(
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  16. Update! -
    *Added A Miny Farm House
    *Started Building More Plots and Farmhouses!
  17. 2013-08-11_20.26.41.png 2013-08-11_20.28.34.png
    Had a bit of creeper trouble at your house Demon.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  18. DemonThunder345 likes this.