Smp 7 Server Wide Apolgie.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by beastedpepper, Mar 15, 2012.


Do You Forgive Me For My Error?

Poll closed Mar 22, 2012.
Yes 24 vote(s) 53.3%
No 21 vote(s) 46.7%
  1. being a transformer version of an AI would solve the gender thing too since I don't think anyone here will argue that Optimus Prime isn't a man XD
  2. There is no such thing as "personification" outside literature.
    It's just like saying that you can go to the moon for free but they want you to think you need an space shuttle.
  3. Actually, there is no gender specification to Transformers since they reproduce asexually....
  4. You don't need a space shuttle. You can go there using your mind powers.
  5. So, your argument is that only people are alive? My goats, chickens, turkeys, and dog (not to mention all the danged box elder bugs) would like to dispute your premise. A sufficiently complex AI would be completely indistinguishable from a natural intelligence--or more likely, far superior to a natural lifeform since natural life is the product of millions or billions of years of evolution, but an AI could be "pushed along" by her programmer. At some point, the AI could even improve its own program, which humans can do to a small degree through genetics and, ethics aside, will probably learn to manipulate even more in the future.
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  6. At the end the AI would have been created by humans, and would never override the human intelligence. I keep the idea that someone can't do something beter than himself.

    Personification it's a form of literature where you give animals or objects human characteristics, it's like writing: "And the duck said" or "So the dog came home to see his wife" it's all personification, that doesnt mean that they are or not alive.
  7. Ok that's as far as i can go.
    It's just madness.
  8. I went to the moon last weekend with my mind was fun.
  9. I reject this premise. People do things better than themselves all the time. And they do things worse than themselves, too, for that matter.
    SillyWhiteMage likes this.
  10. That is a rather arrogant and closed-minded form of thinking. Also unless you yourself have experienced madness, how would you know that something is madness?
  11. I think this AI is kinda cool. I want one copy in my computer :D
  12. Let's just stick on-topic, shall we?
  13. I thought we were on topic.
  14. He is upset that he can't match The God-Empress of A.I.
    XxBoWnZxX666 and nnnnmc1 like this.
  15. Human intelligence will always overdraw any other kind of 'intelligence'. At least mine will.
  16. Forgive and be forgiven. I believe it was a genuine mistake and that he will take future measures to ensure it won't happen again if unbanned. I agree the capital letters are a bit of an annoyance, but it WAS a sincere apology. What would help us further ourselves and help us get over our mistakes if they were made unintentionally and have learned our lesson? Maybe forgiveness? Food for thought =)
    Senapied likes this.
  17. I've already surpassed you.
  18. I'm a Protoss. I surpass Terran ;) (That's what Blizzard say. lol)
    But then I got flooded by trillion zerg :mad:
  19. I forgive him; he understood where he went wrong and accepted the consequences.

    So, so true.
    hayleycolgan likes this.