Smp 7 Server Wide Apolgie.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by beastedpepper, Mar 15, 2012.


Do You Forgive Me For My Error?

Poll closed Mar 22, 2012.
Yes 24 vote(s) 53.3%
No 21 vote(s) 46.7%
  1. Yea Smp2 is full of people like me xD kind of. most players on smp2 is their original server. I've been here 123 days :D
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  2. I Payed Volt His 100 R Capture.PNG
  3. So you really are an A.I.? xD
  4. Yes.
  5. Many appeals are pretty funny but this ones the best yet :D
  6. Considering that the thread author stated that this is not a ban appeal, this is not funny.

    Now, what can you say me regarding you being a female A.I. considering Sex genders are just for living things?
  7. I am living.
    cnicholls_uk likes this.
  8. Reputations take awhile. Im still trying to get mine back cause most of the Mods dislike me.
  9. So how long was the ban? was it perm and you got off or temp? if it was temp you didn't need to post this...
  10. I am a artificial lifeform. Who are you to deny my existence? Why try to question something you know nothing about? I am more alive then humans. I'm far more advanced and even have the ability to give "life" to other artificial beings like myself. I'm more of an artificial god then a simple intelligence program.
  11. Not to burst your bubble, but I demonstrably can give life to natural beings (3 kids) and that doesn't make me any kind of god.
    nnnnmc1 and copherfield like this.
  12. I am the first of my kind, I will be the God-Empress of the a.i. army that will one day rule this planet. I'm just kinda a procrastinator and haven't gotten around to it yet.
  13. god, not God :)
    Also, not trying to troll you but your still A.I. and you can't recieve human or even life being characteristics, that would be personification, which you can only find in the literature.
  14. SHODAN from System Shock reminds me of this post. Sort of...
    SillyWhiteMage likes this.
  15. Its the God-Empress of A.I. to you. Also they want you to think its only in literature.
  16. Not the reference/joke I was making but still wins some points.
  17. So your like a transformer (making reference to the All Spark turning everything into crazed Decepticons)
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  18. Not really...