Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. Together at a bull fighting show. :) BTW, I am only 5'6'' and she is wearing heels... :D
    krysyyjane9191, Curite and Malicaii12 like this.
  2. Having people like you guys makes running the Empire that much more special. <3
  3. Sorry for multi-post...

    This is my amazing dog Gordón "Guard Dog" (miscommunication got him that name. Originally, I didn't want to love him because I was leaving him behind..)

    Leizy, Blanca Rosa, Gordón. I love that dog more than I ever thought possible. I miss him as much as my wife and children... The new one, Leizy, was believed originally to be a chihuahua but he is a long haired version of a similar mix as Gordón...

  4. Cherri, our Macaw. :) She loves to chatter. So far no full words, but she loves besos (giving kisses) and the dogs do not worry over her at all.

    Luna and Sol our two parrots. (very similar color pattern to Cherri however, they will not grow to be much bigger...)

    Yep, it is that serious. :) This is on my forearm, on my right arm. About 3 inches above the wrist. :) First tattoo.

    Dedication to my first born biological daughter, Evelyn.

    Left wrist. Roses in dedication to my life with my wife. Past, present, and future. :)



  5. The little black dog we rescued... Bonita. My wife got rid of her. Gordón cricked her neck and she loved to destroy plants... When she was given to a friend, she killed a chicken and the next family who took her, she ran away from... She was a sweet, albeit stupid and crazy, little pup. I miss her but she was not a good dog for the family. She needed a whole lot more rehabilitation than we could give her...
    ZerreissenDirge likes this.
  6. I like cats cuz they don't take our crap... dogs are cool too :)

  7. Gordón and Scooby
    We had a kitten... I am unaware where he ran off to.. Blanca claims he was with another family, which may be true but I have no proof either way...
    I don't hate cats but I do not care for them... I am not upset Scooby left, he was a bit neurotic. :-/ The kids remember him but they have enough to distract them from his absence. :)
  8. Twitch is giving us a lot to catch up to! Get posting people! lol
    battmeghs, Twitch1 and Malicaii12 like this.
  10. You really don't look impressed. :p
  11. Sadly, it is time to say goodbye to Sol today... Luna died last Sunday night and Sol died this morning... Sol was extremely depressed upon the death of Luna and quit eating, talking or interacting with anyone... I believe he died of a broken heart... We believe Luna overate and was unable to pass waste... :(

    Adios Luna y Sol. Yo te amo muy mucho mi loros bonitos. :(
  12. May they rest in peace. Atleast they're together again. :)
  13. Thank you for your kind words. Hopefully Cherri keeps up her spirits, she is kinda lonely now...
  14. I knew you had a clone Justin!!!

    Now I know how you can do so much work :)
  15. I don't typically post pictures of myself, but here's some old, modified pictures of myself.


    and lastly

    I spent 40$ at an arcade to win this giant slinky^
    MR2R2M likes this.
  16. haha I loled XD
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  17. icanhazgreenninjawithslinky.jpeg. LOL
    lolkold likes this.

  18. Arrrrr Yarrrr Candy Barrrrr

    And here's another one, with less makeup

    Happy Silly Season to all
    Malicaii12 likes this.

  19. I've seen this face somewhere before....

    ...Oh yeah!

    lolkold, GameKribJEREMY and slozon like this.
  20. Problem with my pic ?

    Seriously, I didn't see it like that
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