Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. I thought all nasa employees get them?
  2. Didn't u get the memo josh it was a late april fools dude relax
  3. It was blatant lying. In an attempt to make yourself look good. Frankly, It makes you look immature.
    SecretAznEks, Yukon1200 and Twitch1 like this.
  4. What is he compensating for?
    The Desert Eagle is not a practical weapon... It is meant as an intimidation tool or a decorative collection. The bullets are super expensive and the recoil is intense. The only real thrill is to shoot one once, maybe twice. However, most persons will never be able to fire it due to weight, recoil, force and cost.

    A Desert Eagle is a symbol of compensation for an area that the individual is lacking strength in.
    Typically self-confidence is the main point that is commented on by way of joking about the size of the male genetalia.

    I have fired my father's Desert Eagle, it was an exhilirating experience but it is very impractical as anything more than a trophy. My father says the exact same thing. In his own words, "Why not? It is a beautiful weapon and I can afford it. I like to display it. I wouldn't depend on it to save your mother's life, though."
  5. I'm pretty sure he's not compensating anything he just bought it for fun and then got it coated in gold his wifes on youtube she shot it when it wasn't in gold just a reg .50
  6. Frankly, I'm glad I'm in the UK, I don't have to listen to everyone talking about there guns in the streets and I don't have to fear people having them. In the UK it is illegal to have any firearm apart for hunting, But that requires 30 years of paper work.

    Guns only bring bad to the world. There not something you should be proud of owning.
    MR2R2M and Hasorko like this.
  7. I can reassure u it was april fools if u took it the other way that sucks but that's not what it was
  8. From your profile. March 31st

    tclementi1 yeah but alot of these people dont belive me becuase i have the first one ever built becuase its still a concept car
    Mar 31, 2012
  9. That I think is completley wrong people own firearms to protect there familys not just to ...let's say have them...
  10. Yes, I understand that. But you guys are almost... bragging about owning a firearm.
  11. Dude it was an april fools alright.Done.
  12. So why make an April fools before April fools. You sound like you've worked out it's making you seem stupid.. I suppose and now your trying to cover it up.
  13. Lets settle it. I agree with Josh that it wasn't a good joke. Also it is in a inappropriate place and time. This is not the place to discuss the pro/cons of firearms. That is why I keep my opinion on this topic for myself right now.

    However, it is also not appreciated to call people stupid Josh. Intelligence is something not even scientists can fully understand / messure. Its definition is wide open and what you describe as intelligence is only what your personal/ general opinion is like.

    If you guys understand that this is the photo thread and this is not the place to discuss things, then please do not answer to that thread anymore if you dont want to post a photo or comment a photo. You dont have to explain yourself any further. Lets just get over this.

    Have a nice day guys

    SecretAznEks, eh180 and Yukon1200 like this.
  14. I had deleted this post because Hasorko is right. I have started a conversation with you privately. Maybe I'll learn something.:)
  15. Before we end this conversation on firearms, I am going to point out one more thing.
    Guns are machines. They are inanimate. They require human intervention to operate.
    Guns are not a brand new invention. They have been around for 100s of years and have served their purpose in some form or another. The fact that evil persons have committed evil acts does not mean that we should ban guns.
    I for one will be glad to have rifles and pistols available to me when the world moves away from a monetary system and back to a trade skill and goods exchange system. I will have the skills necessary to hunt my prey and the means to both hunt and protect myself and my family. Although war is an atrocity, I have played my part in defending my country. A decision I am starting to question, as I get older and more aware of the hidden truth in the government.

    I would never attack another human being unprovoked. I would not gun down a random person for the thrill. I have compassion for human life. However, if faced with the threat of death of myself and/or an innocent victim I am capable of protecting, I will utilize my own firearm to terminate the threat. I do not need to shoot to kill to neutralize a target. The intention is to incapacitate the aggressor, in extreme cases, you must shoot to kill as that is the equal force.

    No government has gotten gun control laws correct. The U.S. fosters the disgusting dangerous threat posed by criminals with guns, and therefore it is crucial that innocent civilians train to properly use a firearm to protect themselves from harm. Your cellphone isn't going to stop a rape, robbery, or murder. Why depend on the public servants who have little incentive to protect you?
    A common phrase in the military is: "I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6." (This is a morality statement in response to whether soldiers would shoot an enemy or not.)
    eh180, nab27, vividOptimism and 2 others like this.
  16. "If guns kill people, spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat."
    That's my part.
  17. Very well said. On a less dramatic note, .22 plinking is just good cheap fun:)
    eh180 likes this.
  18. -snip-

  19. "Show yourself ! Talk about guns!"

    On a side note, I'll probably get about 600,000,000 pictures taken of me three months from now, since I'm going to be at a baller wedding. Maybe I'll post something obscure and not mention which person I am in the photo. Maybe.
  20. Such a sexy "girl on the internet" you are. :D
    Totally in love with you. ;)
    creeper3846 and Oleyy like this.
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