Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. I was led to believe this is what you looked like and I must say, "Que lindo chico. Mmmm!". Hahaha
  2. Ok, now I'm REALLY creeped out here...
  3. You change your display picture more often than your underwear.
  4. This is Funny. Awesome fish face killjoy!
  5. Amoeba.
    I got that one in a box for Valentine's day last year. So cute. :D
    SillyWhiteMage likes this.
  6. Its so people have a new picture to look at every few days.
  7. I'm a scouser :p Jokes like that will never offend me! XD
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  8. ok one more thing for Liz if Dark_Liz were to mention that he/she/it was the World would explode( I like being late)
    IPwnCreeps likes this.
  9. I have no suitable pictures of myself.
  10. Pics or your argument is invalid.
  11. Could have smiled for the camera at least! lol
  12. I have a lot of picture at Blizzard Entertainment on their stuff.
    I was wondering how did they go to take my picture on Aiur... :cool:
  13. Well, in terms of light, white is all colors and black is the absence of all color. However, in pigments white is no color, while black is all colors. Such a lovely universe we live in! As soon as I get back to a decent camera, I'll also post something on-topic!
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  14. I worship Skynet.
    pgoubert, nnnnmc1 and Crazy1080 like this.
  15. Do not hijack this or any other thread in regards to politics or religion. The Empire is no place for such discussions.
    These 2 subjects are the root of war and social unrest in the world. No need to bring it to this community that is brought together by Minecraft.
    If you wish to discuss these subjects, try doing a Google search for religion discussion forums or political discussion forums and have a wonderful time there.
    d1223m, jlopez24, Yukon1200 and 9 others like this.
  16. I presume the massive ninja-edit of the religious posts was your doing, Twitch?

    Thanks. It was getting annoying to scroll through.
  17. Is it ok to go to or and talk about Minecraft? :p

    (Seriously, though, good call editing this thread!)
  18. Good lord... :eek:
  19. Seems legit.
    Malicaii12 likes this.
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