Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. image.jpg
    1 of my cousins dogs puppies
    jacob5089 likes this.
  2. bruv, do u even smile
  3. But wait, those walls arent... Nahhh im kidding:p
  4. Here's a British band where the singer definitely doesn't sing in an American accent :p

  5. But... But... WHERE ARE DEM LAVA WALLS? Lol you look so much different then what I pictured you as.
  6. They are, actually. I'm the King Of Lava Walls, they do as I damn well say, including change colour.
  7. Haven't done one in awhile
  8. battmeghs, IamSaj and mba2012 like this.
  9. Hmm yea lol Had 10 minute break and decided to do that lol
    IamSaj, mba2012 and AlexChance like this.
  10. You are beautiful as a red-head. :)
    IamSaj and battmeghs like this.
  11. heres me before shaving everyday

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    southpark347 likes this.
  12. image.jpg

    EDIT: I'll post a better quality one soon.

    Edit 2: actually, ill just leave this one because I noticed you can make it bigger.
    FatAndyTheGreat likes this.
  13. why thank you!
    that would be natural! :) the sun likes to make the red show, but during the winter it gets a darker shade of red/brown, plus i like to dye it darker.. but as soon as summer comes around and i'm out in the sun again.. no matter how dark i dye it, the red claims ownership ... lolol
    Lasluin and Twitch1 like this.
  14. I should really post myself here but I feel as if since 5 people already have me added on Facebook from Emc, feels like enough people have seen my dirty face lol. Heyaroo if your reading this, you can post one of me but it has to be good or we can FaceTime and do a photo shoot for funzies .
    NINJATTILA and Jcplugs like this.
  15. and here is after

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    southpark347 likes this.
  16. Me gusta mucho eso. :)
  17. :) danke
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