Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. Lol this is getting as long as the first thread now, IcecreamCow. :p
    How about an up-to-date photo of me? Okay.

    Polar Bear 2.jpg

    That's right. I'm dressed as a polar bear. New display photo for me, perhaps..?
  2. If you want to post a picture, follow these steps:
    1. Make sure you have the file on your computer.
    2. Start a post on this page.
    3. Were it says "Upload a file", click on that.
    4. Go into the folder where you saved the picture.
    5. Double click on your picture.
    6. *optional* click the full size image button.
    7. Finish the thread and youre done.
  3. Are you sure you aren't the MAN trolling in the picture right behind the polar bear?
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. Dear god, no. He totally photo-bombed me! ¬.¬
  5. Lol - now that is all I can see in that picture. XD
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  6. If I am to change from my semi-famous Bee display, I will have to photoshop it to blur him out or something. :p
  7. Its 10 pm at night, Im not going to take a picture now now, maybe later.
  8. I really want JustinGuy and Jack to post a picture. Justin hasn't for ages and Jack has not yet posted.
  9. No one liked my photo. :[
  10. I thought you were the man behind the bear :p
  11. bald and beautiful.... :D
  12. I don't have any good pictures of me :p I only have good baby pictures. The closest you're going to get is this:
    Me quadbiking in august this year :) If it needs to be bigger, just tell me.

    Also, my fringe is much longer, I usually spike my hair up, and I was messing about when my mum took that photo - i'm supposed to look backwards.
  13. I posted mine waaay back. I'd do an updated one but dang webcam makes everything green. Here's the hubby. 1st is when he was in the Airforce, Second is where you'll find him at Books A Million and third is most recent, from around June or July. That's his crazy 12 year old sister in the picture and the first time he's seen her in forever. He's had that Spiderman shirt since he was 17, he's now 31.:

    Edit: I should add he's CamerinDrake on EMC :D

  14. Here's another one of me and my little one, this time with some puppy thrown in for good measure: Camping Picture! This one is from last year, since my husband broke his leg on our first camping trip of the season this year, and we didn't get to have any more :(
  15. I hope he's okay!
  16. He's back on his feet now, thanks, though he's not able to hike/mountain bike/motorcycle ride as much as he used to yet. The docs say he'll make a full recovery.
  17. That's good to hear :)
    penfoldex, mba2012 and margaritte like this.
  18. How old is your daughter? My sister and her husband had to leave their boys in mine and my moms temporary custody - ones 8 months the other about 2 years - they are quite the handful, idk if ill ever have my own kids, but my nephews are nice - 15 years older is a worlds difference :p
  19. She's 6 now, was 5 in that picture, I guess. And yes, she can be quite the handful sometimes, but the headaches are very much worth it.
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