Show Your Likes!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bloodra1n, Jan 12, 2015.


Amount of likes belonging to us

Only my mom likes me 7 vote(s) 19.4%
42 is the answer to everything 11 vote(s) 30.6%
Over 9000 10 vote(s) 27.8%
Do not vote for this one 20 vote(s) 55.6%
Vote for the option above 14 vote(s) 38.9%
Divided by zero 10 vote(s) 27.8%
I need no social proof to post quality content, sherlock 18 vote(s) 50.0%
This is a Poll Choice... 14 vote(s) 38.9%
3.14159265359 16 vote(s) 44.4%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. At the bottom - it'll say Dark- Orange. Just click on that to select a new one.
    EDIT: Ninja'd
    TigerstarMC likes this.
  2. Marshmallow - pretty sure it's in preferences. There's a bunch of pretty colors to check out ... Have fun :)

    Edit: double ninja'd. This is why you don't post from an iPad...
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. And ... my site post/like count:

    Site Posts:212
    Site Likes Received:86

    That's about 2.5 posts per 1 like received.

    EDIT: 87 likes now that Bro liked this one :D
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.

  4. Good to see that my like count is still at a ratio fit for a winner WinRAR.
  5. Site posts: 6,305
    Site likes: 8,728

    Can't be bothered to work out the Post to like ratio
  6. Total Posts (as of this one): 513
    Site Likes Received: 368
    Post/Like Ratio: 1.39

    The statistics I've noticed here are result from all of my current sub-eras combined for EMC: Establishment Era (2012), Knowledge Era (2013), Creative Era (2014), Depressive Era (2014) and Revival Era (2015-). I, as a person and Minecraft player, have changed drastically over these periods.
    607 likes this.
  7. Aaah, the classic my likes are more liked than.... err, more likable? well, never mind :)

    Seems I got a long way to go, but I also think (when looking at the average amount of posts) I might be overdoing it a bit :)

    Naah, one can never overdo a good dose of EMC :)

    All at the time of writing of course. What that means?

    Well, the actual amount is 183 posts (including this one) and 274 likes :D
    607 likes this.
  8. That's not right: you got 8202 likes ;)

    (sorry, couldn't resist :D)
    kevmeup likes this.
  9. Posts - 3,089
    Likes - 1,649
    At least I can keep my 2:1 :p
  10. Site Posts:
    Site Likes Received:
  11. Well that didn't look too derpy lol! Now like my post!!!
    ChickenDice, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  12. Hmm 5 more posts (as of this one) and i got 1k posts... image.jpg image.jpg

  13. I always get "HOW DO YOU GET SO MANY LIKES?!" I have no idea, I just post and you guys like it.
    ShelLuser, mba2012, 607 and 5 others like this.
  14. This just makes me feel bad . . . lol jk. I don't have much . . .
    Site Posts:
    Site Likes Received:

  15. When I first started out, I had a very low like to post ratio, because I posted a lot of hate comments and said a lot of things that I regret saying. It gets better over time.