Should I continue to open my builds?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by finch_rocks_1, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. Forgot to add to this lecture. I have been tossed around a lot on EMC. Like A LOT. I honestly don't care. Because the people who hate me are just people who are jealous. If they aren't jealous, then they just don't like me whatsoever. I take insults as compliments and compliments as compliments because whatever insult saying
    "You're fat"
    "You're stupid"
    "You're Lazy"
    "You're a loser"
    "You're mean"
    And among others, I take those as compliments because I know that they are true. and they are true about everyone else. We are all fat (even skinny is fat), stupidity happens, being lazy will always happen at nighttime, we all lose things (Lottery or loved ones), and we can all be mean. All of this, insults, are true about us and we should be compliments. And even the disgusting builds claim, that is just judgmental on their liking and dislikes. So them saying that a monumental build like yours is horrible, take that as a compliment OR take that insult, then turn it into what you can renovate on in your builds. Also people coming to you saying
    "This person said you did <somethingmera>"
    then you can just say
    "Ignore him, he just hates my builds"
    And then get over it. Here's a gif to boost your motivation

    ILTG and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  2. I always have move off for the build while i am building, but once i finish it, I then do a Grand Opening. The reason the museum still has no move is because the inside is not finished, and i am working on many Easter eggs within and under the museum i do not want players to go and look/see until i open it up when its done. It is all part of a massive Game within the build.

    The Town roads are part of it... ;)

    As for everyone else, Thanks for the support, This makes me want to finish the, hehe.

    Small Poll, What build do you look forward to seeing done? and in order?
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  3. Yes, continue your builds, finch. They are great!
    Hahaha Alignment OCD

    Garden Res, 12121, 12004, Gold and Iron Shop, Mall. That is the order I'd like to see them in.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  4. I am most excited for the museum, but I am also excited for TheMegaMall at 12345 and 8-res casino project. :) :cool: :eek:
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  5. By the way it looks, i am not sure i am going to finish the 6 res Museum, Not sure how much more of the Drama and all I. I already have too much drama in real life, i don't want it in game. PM me in game for reason....

    The museum will just sit unfinished and as is.... until the problem is fixed........
  6. It sounds like people are jealous of your talent.
    All the more reason to build.
    Express your talent.
    People wouldn't be jealous if you're doing something right.
    Besides no one goes through life without being called bad names at least a few times :)
    amadai, finch_rocks_1 and ThaKloned like this.
  7. Hm, difficult one. First off: I don't think this is about your buildings but about your persona instead. I haven't seen the whole list, but I do still remember that fishing area you made and that building which was on the adjacent residence (with the funny troll message: "You paid 1.000.000r"). Can't think of anything negative to say about them. Maybe perhaps something in the likes of "they're too big and too expensive" but heck, that would be more of a funnily meant comment than criticism.

    So having said that I'm convinced that it has more to do with who you are and how you react and/or behave than your buildings. And that's where the problem lies. Do I think it's a fair or a normal thing to do? Absolutely not. But I do have to comment, and this may sound harsh, that your story is in the end still a one sided story. I'm not calling you a liar, and I'm most certainly not saying nothing happened, but usually with these things there is often more going on than bystanders can see or determine for themselves.

    Here's my problem: I know how some people on the Empire are being approached when they post certain things on these forums or how people approach them in-game. Ways I personally do not approve of because yeah... How hard is it to ignore someone or something when you don't really like them or don't like what they're doing?

    However... There is another side to that story. It is well possible for players to behave in such ways where they risk annoying others. It's not merely a risk, its happening and I can think of at least one player I can mention (but I won't, all I'll say is that its not you) who is also often met with a little criticism sometimes bordering disdain. Even in the likes which I think is sometimes a bit over the edge, or could be. I more than often don't like seeing it.

    But... I can see and understand where that is coming from. Because I can most definitely agree that the player I'm talking about is sometimes a little direct, a little loud and sometimes a little specific in their own way. There have been plenty of threads which I too ignored from the get-go.

    And that brings us down to the problem at hand. While I don't always approve of it I can see and understand where it's coming from.

    A comment which I often picked up about it is: "they don't take a hint". And you know what? They're sometimes right about that. Somewhat anyway. Because when people told this particular player that it might be better not to do certain things they did so anyway, which is sure to rub some players the wrong way. Players who then feel more or less compelled to share their opinion, and because it didn't really stick the first time they try to make themselves a little better heard.

    Honestly? I know some of those players myself (to a certain degree) and I know for sure that they don't mean any offense, that they don't mean to upset players and that they most certainly don't mean to be rude. But that is still a thing which goes both ways.

    Then there's another important thing to mention.... And this may sound harsh, but I do hope you guys know better than that.

    If you seek public attention, if you profile yourself a little more open and express yourself often enough then you're bound to attract attention. And here's the thing: not everyone likes what you're doing.

    I know for a fact that at this point in my message there will be people thinking "oh no, not another one of Shell's essays".

    So when people tell me (sometimes in a jesting way) that I write way too much... When they start a competition trying to shorten my forum messages, when they sometimes even jest in-game: "Oh wow, dont u have more 2 say?"...

    Are they disrespecting me? Are they criticizing me, are they being mean to me?

    Or do they simply share their honest opinion about me and what I do here?

    I do what I do, and I know like no other that action = reaction. It's a given. If I don't want to receive people commenting about what I do then I can also chose not to do so in the first place. And if I feel the right to express myself in ways like this, then why shouldn't others have the right to comment on it, even if that comment isn't so much about what I have to say but more about the way I say it?

    I think that is a very important aspect of this whole thing as well...

    So coming back to you.. I'm not saying that you should stop doing what you do nor am I implying that you brought it all upon yourself. In case you might be thinking that.

    What I am saying is that not everyone will like you or what you do. You can't please everyone. And some will express that in a more tactful way than others, that's also a given. So when someone is being very open and direct with you it's very well possible that you pick it up as insulting, abusive or disrespectful.

    That's when its time to get a second opinion I think, or consider it. And the first players to turn to for that is the EMC staff. Hear me out guys: this is NOT about "showing them" or "see what they did?" nor "u make them stop doing this!". If you think in that direction, that this is about getting the players in trouble who share their criticism then you didn't get the point at all.

    The EMC staff are picked up and added because they can be unbiased. Impartial. Not playing favorites.

    Which makes them the perfect candidate to ask about their opinion on all this.

    That is my suggestion: also get staff involved. Not to go out for those players, but to get a second, unbiased, opinion.

    Because as much as I can understand your problem I also need to say that your story is one-sided. A little biased. And that means that I can't comment on it, other than what I did here.

    But they can, because they have ways to get the full picture.

    As always just my 2 cents.
    We3_Nub_ and Kephras like this.
  8. *writes trademark long-ass essay post*
    "...that means I can't comment on it."

    Shell, I love you man but sometimes you really go all-out on the irony. ;)
  9. I will update this thread tomorrow.
  10. Finch I blame u, I have yet to still find it
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  11. I will update as stated above as well as make a thread on build status and status of real life to show how busy I really am lol...
  12. If people have a valid and legitimate complaint about something you are doing, then sure listen. Some people do care to take the time to help and point out things you could improve.

    But if there's no valid or legitimate complaint, as you described 'drama', then why waste your time on those people?

    Criticism is a part of doing anything significant in this world. The only people who never get criticized are those who never do anything, and even those people, get criticized for doing nothing. That's nothing you should ever aspire to be. In the end, do what you feel is right and best, not what anyone else feels is right and best for you.
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  13. The museum I'm doing for Finch will be the largest project I've done in 3 years (and the largest single project on EMC of mine), gonna resume working on its design soon so I can get the building actually started!

    As for anyone criticizing you, they're just jealous they don't have anywhere near as many res's as you (I know I am :p)
    We3_Nub_ and finch_rocks_1 like this.