Share your favorite food

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DonkKing, May 7, 2018.

  1. My favorite food is Grilled Cheese, what's yours?
    Sydney_43 likes this.
  2. hmm, hard one. here are my top 3:

    1. Literally any seafood. Crab, lobster, raw oyster, fried oyster, shrimp, salmon, you name it.
    2. Buffalo chicken
    3. Meatlover's pizza. I love meat and pizza, so why not meatlover's pizza?

    I'll also eat pretty much anything that is mild in spiciness; anything below 5,000 Scoville units.
    TheRedstoneShop likes this.
  3. I have 2 dishes.. well, actually more, but 2 are in high demand in "house Shell" :)

    My gf and me both enjoy my home made lasagna. Milk, flower, bacon, leek (main sauce) veggies, spices and cheese for the whole thing. I usually take around 3 hours to prepare the whole thing, and then it needs to cook in the oven for another 45 - 60 minutes.

    Second is Keiko's home-made sushi. Forget what you know about sushi: nothing beats home made. We usually enjoy it with "beeru" :)

    Runner up: custom chili :)

    I used to make chili with minced meat, onions, minced tomatoes (?, no idea what this is called), and then brown beans, spices and eventually rice. These days I also often replace the meat with tuna or bacon, which also gives it a nice taste. A very simple dish (easy to make, doesn't take longer than 30-40min) but tasty.
    607, Sydney_43 and TheRedstoneShop like this.
  4. Oh fair dinkum, cannot go past a meat pie and some tomato sauce

    (Fair dinkum - Aussie slang)
  5. CEVAPCICI (Serbian meatballs)

    AND ALSO CREMPOGAU (Welsh pancakes)

  6. Lasagna is indeed great.

    My favourite is probably spinach with macaroni, though. Add to it chicken (not sure if it exists where you live, but there's a round chicken sausage that you're meant to put slices of on bread: cut that into pieces) and cashew nuts. It's important that there's more spinach than pasta, but I can't do that myself, unfortunately, as the spinach cans that get sold at the supermarket are only 195g (and using two is way too much, and I can't/won't use fresh vegetables as a single student).

    Another favourite meal of mine would be potatoes (preferably with gravy, if the meat you're using produces it), a burger or schnitzel, and brussels sprouts with cheese on top. The cheese thing works with cauliflower and broccoli too, but it's best with brussels sprouts in my opinion. If you haven't ever done so, try it. When the vegetables are still hot, slice cheese and put the slices over the vegetables. Then start by eating the potatoes and the meat, and in little time the cheese will have partly molten and stuck to the vegetable(s). Be sure to use fairly young cheese, as otherwise it won't melt easily enough.

    Both of these meals are very simple to make, but really good in my opinion. :)
  7. I'll give you 3 guesses, and the first two don't count.
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. Burgers.
    BurgerKnight and 607 like this.
  9. Waffles, duh!

    Why? I've been eating Eggo waffles (and homemade waffles) for as long as I can remember. If I'm not eating a waffle for breakfast, chances are, I'm eating a pancake.
    I especially love them with syrup on top, and occasionally butter. I wouldn't say no to some sliced up banana though ;)