[Service] Alarm's Bulk Supply [closed]

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by iMigzy, Jul 23, 2014.

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  1. I will have it done later today.
  2. Order Ready for Pickup
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  3. Ready for pickup.
  4. That was incredibly fast. I will pick up today. Thanks.
  5. Picked it up thanks :)
  6. Thrive to be efficient.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. What Item you are Ordering: Oak Logs
    How much of that Item: One DC
    The Overall Price: 4,000 rupees
  8. What Item you are Ordering: Sand
    How much of that Item: 1 DC
    The Overall Price: 3k
    Btw I already payed like 3 seconds ago XD
  9. Order Accepted will be with you hoepfully tomorrow :)

    Order Accepted and same as before.
  10. Alarm..

    Whata mean same as before
  11. I think he meant The same as he replied to ulti's order with, but i could be wrong.
  12. the same reply as mine
  13. oh :p
  14. Cobblestone
    1 SC
  15. Order Accepted
    tuqueque likes this.
  16. 2 dcs of netherrack plz
    2k I'll pay when I get a chance
  17. Order Accepted
  18. Order is ready for pickup :).

    Order is ready for pickup.
  19. Sweet! picking it up right now!
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