server.exe / server123.exe DO NOT DOWNLOAD/RUN

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jul 31, 2012.

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  1. How much did that COST?!?!
  2. This thread hasn't gone off topic at all.
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  3. A lot of tomato bucks.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  4. 3 PEOPLE!
  5. I have a Macbook pro, but I hardly ever use it unless its for work. Plus, I have a computer with windows vista (that starpuncher uses) and my normal computer runs Windows 7.
  6. I have a Macbook Pro, but I recently (2 days ago) bought a new HP computer with 2TB HDD. It is pretty beast imo, but I haven't started using it yet. I'll keep using my macbook for when I need a computer at school and when I travel :)
  7. so us awesome macers are safe? of course we are :D
  8. Aikar, I see a flame war in the distance! Quick, lets get the water buckets!
  9. *gets buckets*
  10. We are seeing the issue yet again and Justin is on it. This time its with sohtt.exe (or something similiar) at first, and now server123.exe.

    Mechanism appears to be the same, random iframes loading at top of page....

    Please take a break from the EMC website for a few hours while Justin works on it.
  11. I recommend joining us on IRC and taking a break from the site. You can chat with us on IRC and get updates on when its safe. Follow the instructions below:

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