[Selling] Promos and Special items !

Discussion in 'Selling' started by crafter31211, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. Items I'm selling...
    Prices are neogiatble
    Used starter axe - 48/250 1k
    Used starter shovel - 183/250 1k
    Used ESCD - 140 / 1561 7.5k
    Starter shovel - 4K each
    Starter ace - 4K each
    Feast for a king - 5k each
    Empire assistant - 100r each
    Blizz ard eyes - 20k each
    ESCD - 25k each
    Momo toothpick - 20k each
    Spooky egg - 25k each
    Rememberance poppy 2016 - 20k
    Marlix boots - 20k each
    Marlix Leggs - 20k each
    2016 b-day cookies - 100k each
    Non soulbound second chance - pm offers

    If you are interested in any of these please send me a forum on to negotiate. If you want to buy straight up just reply to the thread and i will mail you the item...

    Items can be previewed at /v 8152 promo
  2. ""Getting starter non soulbound - 5k each""

    I'd like 5, or all if you have less than 5 of these, please. :) Will pay today or tomorrow (when I log on). (if you prefer, you can wait with mailing until after payment)

    ""New player guide - 2.5k each""

    Also, one of these, please. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Mailing now I only have three of the non soulbound getting started so it will be 17.5k
    Equinox_Boss and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. How many momentus toothpicks do you have?

    EDIT:I'll take the Big Daddy Helmet
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. I would like to purchase the netherhound pretty please.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Please pay and I'll mail...

    Edit: Big daddy helmet and ore buster are sold along with starting books ...

    The nether hound is currently on hold...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. how many pot o golds do you have?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. Two
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. ill take both. paying now
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. I'll take
    Shear madness - 25k each
    Chicken skewer - 30k each
    Paying total of 55k now
    Rimont likes this.
  11. Mailed!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Got them! Thanks!
    Rimont likes this.
  13. Bump!
    List updated!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Payment sent & received, thanks! :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Used ore buster pleaseee
  16. Do you have any used mincers perchance?
  17. Mailing ...
    sadly I don't...

    List has been updated!
  18. Bump!

    List updated !
  19. Bump please buy!