What exactly is the point of the missing texture blocks? I have a few stacks myself. How did they happen?
Mojang made some changes to the textures and mechanics of some of the in-game models/items when they expanded a few things and changed the way some things dropped. Used to, when you silk touched mushroom blocks for example, there was a massive number of different variations they dropped. Now, it drops just a default mushroom block, no matter which of the display variations the block had when you broke it. This saves space in memory and unbreaks some plugins that tried to keep up with the multitude of different blocks. I'm looking at you, shop signs. Also, as they've modified the textures for certain blocks, they've removed old textures. This is the case for the textures for all the old mushroom blocks I just referenced, but it also affected leaves and wooden slabs. There are a good amount of technical details I'm skipping over, but I'm doing is to be as concise as possible. When the old textures were expunged from the client, any items still in the game according to the server were give the "missing texture" skin, which is the purple/black one that you see. It's nothing more than a novelty that shows how long a player has been around at this point. I hope that gives you a bit more of an understanding on what happened to cause all this. If not, I blame spending the last 8 hours on school work. If it did, then yay!
I am wondering: If you would place a texture-missing wooden slab, would it act as stone like it used to, or would it convert to the fixed wooden slabs?
I just tested it and they stay as the old pickaxeable blocks, when placed it looks like a slab but when broken the missing texture block appears. I didn't even have to use silk touch either.