[SELLING] Lots of valueables

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by _REMOVED_87055, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Original Starter items were not soul bound.
  2. Is there a head worth 5k or under ? and how much are the seasonal heads ?
  3. 1k, lots of them are under 5k
  4. I'll pay 5k total for every head you don't consider rare.
    (Which heads are those, btw?)
  5. Not hearing a reply on this.
  6. 10k and its a deal
    PM'ed them about it
  7. Which heads, though?
    I normally pay 100r per head, and you don't seem to have anywhere near 100 heads...
    I don't intend on inflating my price to 1k per head, even if it's for my head museum...