Selling Double Spawner

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ClickZzHD, May 31, 2012.

  1. Whaaaa? It's all your fault if someone griefs you? We've been banning the wrong people then.
    jkjkjk182 and Michael_Nolan like this.
  2. exactly... no lol im saying that the griefer should be banned but u cant buy a spawner and then go telling every one u have one and then blame the person who sold it to u
  3. Certainly. Sharing a location with friends is one thing. Putting the exchange in public view where everyone can see is just asking for trouble. All it takes is someone to talk to the wrong person, or for someone to watch the Live Map with ill intent and you've got a problem.

    Some of these auctions are just... messy the way they are handled. I bought an auctioned pick the other day assuming it was new. No where on first post was it stated as used, but there I was without my rupees and a used pick in my hands. Before they were banned, I recall one auction where the seller kept changing the terms, even saying he may stop by to share the grinder once it was built. With the amount of rupees changing hands and the number of potential problems with a spawner sale, I would definitely NOT want to moderate the problems that would result.
  4. thats the point if the auction are handled the right way, also how used was the pick
  5. Not very, but it was the principle of the thing. I definitely couldn't resell it for what I bought it for. People are usually very careful to note that something is used when they set up auctions. Knowing that it was used, I and everyone else in the thread may not have bid the way they did.
  6. Also, who knows what it was used ON? That pick could be evidence :confused:
  7. Yeah, and now it's got my prints all over it.
  8. It was ILikeAPigs pick too, so who knows where it's been. I don't think that guy washes his hands either.
  9. and people who have NO IDEA how to make one :p hehe
    AlexChance likes this.
  10. So even though its banned, I would only get banned if the buyer got griefed and reported it?
  11. No, that was one of the factors behind it being banned.
    Though theoretically your statement has some merit to it, you really shouldn't because if you get caught selling it at all, even without griefing, you might get punished.