Screenshots of the Survivors!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JDHallows, Jul 22, 2015.

  1. DubChef likes this.
  2. How would one survive this attack?
  3. With great struggle comes cake!
  4. First thing we did was have a nice post-apocalyptic dinner at a restaurant on smp8, then danced away the carbs. After that we went miniboss hunting and attended a survivor DP to accumulate as many supplies as we could. Many people were lost over time though, including myself. Sad times.
    ThaKloned, DubChef and SEPTHEKID like this.
  5. Thank the goat milk god for being our saviour!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  6. The books I made and passed out called "Survivors Book" took an extremely long time to make them all and mail out. By time I got to the names people were offline and I no longer had the people over. There is only about 36 in the book I believe, out of the original 41.

    But really the idea of my book was we were under 40 players online, not about the message for 41 players left.

  7. If you have any more could I possibly have one?:D

  8. SMP3 really never survives :(
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. Your point should be a little more about inclusion and a little less about exclusion.
    DubChef and ThaKloned like this.
  10. Sorry you got left out, but what I do with my time is my business. :)
    People liked the books so oi.
  11. The point of this thread was for survivors to share how much fun we had together, which is the point I've been making. We came together as a community, at least on smp8 and did lots of things together and had a great time. No clue who you even are or what you're going on about.
    DubChef and ThaKloned like this.
  12. Can we just have the full 41 people list on the first post so everyone can see.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  13. Thats what I was trying to say, the books took so long that by time I got to the list of names people had got off. Then all of a sudden Im a bad guy for leaving them off. Guess thats what you get for trying to do a nice thing though.
    codygraw101 and SEPTHEKID like this.