Sand and Granite

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Releias, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. oki
    anyone have granite and sand for sale?
    ran out again while doing the renovations on my res ;~;
    I keep buying out the shops I go to x.x
    (some of them haven't restocked yet)
    also looking for
    light blue glazed terracotta

    green glazed terracotta


    and sea lanterns
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. I'm also looking for:

    light blue glazed terracotta

    green glazed terracotta


    and sea lanterns
  3. Disclaimer: I don't really bother myself too much with the EMC economy, but I do try to keep taps on most things. But.. do keep this in mind when I talk about economy related stuff.

    Having said that: I'm quite a fan of /v +bulk on SMP8. If you're looking to buy stuff in larger quantities then chances are seriously high that they can provide. And for pretty nice prices too in my opinion (but... keep my disclaimer in mind please!).

    So if it's sand, prismarine (whoops, I sell that too :D /v 3544) and teracotta then I think you may like this shop.

    Maybe food for thought?
    BlitzAttack and ComicalCanine like this.
  4. awesome thankies!
    I feel so bad I keep buying people out of stock ever since I started this renovation T^T
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. That is another reason why I like this shop: they don't mind :cool:
    mjnoe70 and ComicalCanine like this.
  6. yay ;u;
  7. can't find /v bulk on smp8
    it says its not on any server ;~;
  8. Did you remember the + in front of bulk?
    ComicalCanine and AyanamiKun like this.
  9. omo
    I didn't know the + was supposed to be there T^T
  10. btw I did not see ANY terracotta at all while in the /v +bulk ;~;
    but then again with all the potion things that get activated while you're there make it EXTREMELY hard to see anything x.x
  11. still looking for more

    light blue glazed terracotta

    green glazed terracotta


    and sea lanterns
  12. How much do you need? I can help out if you're not finding any at the malls.
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  13. I need enough to finish the other 5 floors of my shop x.x
    every time I get ruppees I go and raid the shops lol
  14. Give me a number of a type of block, and I'll put it in a chest. :)

    edit: I put 9 stacks of green glazed terracotta, sea lanterns and prismarine in a chest at
    "/v 14266 auction" for you.
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  15. yeee ty!
    I need ALOT (not sure of the number <~>) of polished diorite, granite, glowstone, light blue dye and glass
  16. Ok, added those and refilled the chests (x2). Should keep you building until the malls can restock :) Let me know if you can't find a supplier again.
    mjnoe70 and ComicalCanine like this.
  17. I just wish that ReversedTARIDIS-4 would restock on the light blue terracotta ;~;
    and tysvm!!!!!!