Sand and Granite

Discussion in 'Buying' started by Releias, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. You can find almost anything you need. Not my res, but I buy from there often.
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  2. but still
    how much is the stuff?
  3. As i said, Not my res...

    I could name it they where on my mall but even then, hard to keep track of without going ingame. I have yet to move ingame since i got home as i was bringing wood in for the fire and getting dinner started.
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  4. urgh x.x
    I understand though
  5. Type in the item and find the cheapest price :)
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  6. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    oki doki ty
    I'm sorry y'all I just hate seeing the EXACT same shops over and over again @_@
  7. bump~
  8. polished diorite
    light blue stained glass
    banners - Can buy at 12221
    light blue glazed terracotta
    and LOTS of glowstone!!!

    All that you can buy at 12221, 13131, /v +velmart
    ComicalCanine likes this.
  9. ty!!!
    the server is saying that velmart doesn't exist (witth and without the +)
  10. Note they are all on the same server (smp6)
  11. its still saying that velmart doesn't exist
  12. bumpy bump~