??s about Boss/mob drops and some related wiki info

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by KatydidBuild, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. Looking through the wiki for information on vault vouchers as a mob drop, I found some confusing information.

    Some of the Bosses mention stable vouchers being a possible drop as well. No one in chat has experienced this.

    Diamonds are still mentioned in the general list of possible drops.

    Vault vouchers have a listed cost of 10k per purchase from the vaults page. Stable vouchers have no cost listed, nor do they contain the number required to make stabling free to use. I think it's 10 to remove the 100r fee.

    I have not tried it, but Camels can be stabled, while res perms will not allow admin users to egg the babys, only breed them. And camels can eat a stack of cactus whether or not they are in love mode, which makes figuring out why you can't egg them after breeding them to be rather prickly.
    Fred_TWK and Spyrovsgnorg like this.
  2. soon, with the amount of items being removed from the loot table, they will only drop bones/rotten flesh and the ever useful dragon stone frags
    Spyrovsgnorg likes this.
  3. Stable vouchers haven't dropped from bosses for a long time. Stables cost 25k per one if you want to buy through a command. As Envine stated above a lot of listed mob drops in the wiki are either far outdated, no longer drop, or are wildly inaccurate.
    607 likes this.
  4. Seems like a better way to report this is to pm contrib team for wiki parts and dev team for camel bug…
    607 likes this.
  5. Agreed that there are separate departments to handle separate issues. However, I am not certain if the wiki is in error or there is something wrong with the Bosses, or if it is me - as in locating the rest of the information.

    And camels are new and not in the wiki, are they supposed to be eating cactus all the time whether they are breeding or not, I have no idea. Since they have horse-type stats, are they governed by the horse rules? I have no idea. Maybe Mojang is gonna update them soon with variations like llamas and they will have actual stats. And add breeding skeleton horses at the same time !! (we can dream)

    Meanwhile, I just need help in figuring out the vault voucher and the stable voucher situation. As a grown-up, I could have gone the route to ask around and see who to pm for which part. But the amount of effort that requires to locate the page with all those pmtheemc.people is staggering. And there is not always anyone in chat late at night who has been here long enough to memorize those addresses and spit them out for me. Despite my requesting/suggesting some added pages to the wiki under the "contact us" page regarding the proper way to contact staff, it's not been done. And I would rather just play right now than start pulling my hair out, while being frustrated that I cannot locate even more information on the emc site or wiki. This being said, I am asking for help in one of the easier avenues that exists.

    I meant this with absolutely no heat or hard feelings. You asked about the reasoning. I answered, that is all it is intended.
    Tuqueque, Spyrovsgnorg and 607 like this.
  6. Addressing these one at a time: (Also Thank you tuq for linking me this as I had missed it!)

    Stable Vouchers: Pending More info Devs confirmed these are not a boss drop

    Diamonds: This is 100% an error, which I will fix tonight (Edit: Fixed)

    Stable limit: I haven't gotten to check in game yet but to my knowledge voucher is the only way to expand (edit: Learn something new everyday, the command was missing from the command page)

    Stable cost: it is 10 for free summoning, we have that on the stable info section :)

    Camels: I also havent tried it but I believe you are correct on the stabling of these, will confirm and add camel to the list (edit: confirmed and added)

    Camel Flag: Not totally sure Im understanding this right but are you saying that players with admin flag get error no permission to eggify baby camels?

    If I missed anything in this feel free to PM or reply here :)

    (Also my messages are always open if you wish to report a wiki error :) forums or in game)
  7. Technical error reports or Bug reports: pmdev.emc.gs
    Senior staff services: pmss.emc.gs
    Supporter issues or Ban appeals/disputes: pmadmin.emc.gs or pmcm.emc.gs (which at this point do the same thing)
    Player report/rules clarification: PM moderator(s) and/or senior staff member(s) of your choice, as long as they're not inactive nor dealing with an issue in an outpost they're a part of. Personally, I PM them all as long as there isn't the "staff member is currently inactive" notice on their profile, maximizing the chance of a timely response. A list of staff: https://empireminecraft.com/XenStaff/
    Wiki issues: I really don't know about this one. Maybe just PM MoreMoople (the contribution team leader) and any Contribution Team members that you can think of, giving them the option to invite more players to minimize the burden on Moople?

    I agree that we need a guide with links, not just descriptions. For now, I've given you the best I can.
    Fred_TWK likes this.
  8. A reliable way to find those links. Is through the staff list. See a Dev on that list? On their profile page, there is a link to message them.

    My page has the most stuff on it, but is a good example.
    We3_MPO and Tuqueque like this.