
Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by zPedroLoLz, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. When do Waste and Wild reset? What about Frontier? I want to build a mine shaft in Waste/Wild/Frontier for Iron and above ores, esply diamonds. What is the good place? Waste/Wild (N, E, W or S)

    Thanks in advance for helping me out.
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Frontier never resets and idk when waste resets. There's a date on the EMC Calendar for that. Let me get that and re-edit my post

    Edit: Waste reset is currently unknown. It says will reset with 1.11 update. So whenever that comes out on EMC which isn't told.
  3. you arent supposed to gether ores in /wild since its for builds and not for resources. /waste is for gathering resources.
    I can preety much guarantee that EMC won't update until 1.11.1, and mojang hasnt said any news on it(except for _jeb) which he will add/remove features. After 1.11.1 I would say about a week after EMC is going to update(which will be when the /waste reset.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Cool. I am trying to make an outpost for myself in Frontier. Anyone can help me, like show me how to do it? I read the article but I cant count till 5000 :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Basically use /map go towards the blacked out sections on the /map and use your cursor to map out a 3k block from any other presumed occupied visible section on the map.
    Equinox_Boss and SirDieALott like this.
  6. The wild never resets and the wastelands I see will reset immediately after EMC updates to 1.11. Aikar says they're actively working on 1.11, they have a stable dev server.
  7. WOW. Thanks mate !! So when I use /map I have to open the link in a browser right?
    Equinox_Boss and AncientTower like this.
  8. Yup. just click on the link that comes up in game and it will open up a browser for you. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Yes

    Alternatively, you can type the server address in your browser and it'll open as well. You don't have to be in-game for this. For example, if you're playing on smp3 you'd type in your browser
  10. The best way to go out mining (IMO) is to use the server map and check what areas to target. You should be able to identify extreme hills and swamps easily. Then just plan your trip. If we're talking about solely mining activities you should use the waste, if you only want to build something cool: then the wild (Frontier) is suitable.

    Note: Just because it's advised not to mine in the Frontier doesn't make this illegal (depending on location). So if you do manage to establish an outpost then it really makes sense to use the resources you have there to build your stuff.

    Finally... Don't forget about [locked] signs! You can lock items outside town including chests. And that allows you to store your spoils without having to risk that others might take it (stealing is illegal, but...). This isn't free: it'll cost you 1k rupees for placing, and when you remove the sign you get a 500r refund.

    Hope this can help too.
    SirDieALott and Equinox_Boss like this.