[RECRUITING] Information on how to join the Minecraft Paradise Outpost (MPO)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by We3_MPO, Mar 14, 2018.


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  1. We're not done recruiting. In fact, we're never done recruiting. There are currently 50 MPO members (as of May 26, 2018), but this is a public, democratic, all-biome (prior to 1.13) outpost. The official MPO thread is located at emc.gs/t/63120.

    Step One: PM the MPO government members (BreezyMan, Echelon815, FadedMartian and We3_MPO) with your request to join. Any information regarding what special skills you may have (architecture, redstone, transportation, etc.) is highly recommended, but it's not required because some people don't have these.

    Step Two: A City Hall member will either nominate you for membership, or if you're on the list of people that has been blocked from joining due to troublemaking, we will let you know and why.

    Step Three: The City Hall members will vote on whether or not to allow you in. If over half votes against it, we will let you know, and if it's a close call, a few active, highly trusted MPO members may be involved as tie breakers.

    Step Four: If you do get accepted, we will send you an application on forums for you to fill out.

    Step Five: If your application is accepted (only one person has ever "failed"), we will send you directions to the MPO, invite you into a private convo and ask you questions about your house. If you make it this far, enjoy!

    Good luck!

    June 11/12, 2018 EDIT: The MPO is on SMP6. I have that information in the Official MPO Thread and my signature, but I have added it per request. Special thanks to Otus_NigRum for bringing the issue to my attention! :oops:
  2. We have been having an alarmingly low amount of participation in the democratic process and no suggestion of new ideas, from both regular members and City Hall members. The MPO also appears to be almost, if not completely, devoid of active members, even in the major cities, despite the high member count. If you want to bring a democratic community back to life and restore order and efficiency, you should consider joining!
  3. Bump! Still open to new members!
  4. Which server is this on?
    We3_MPO likes this.
  5. SMP6. It says that in my signature and the official MPO thread, but I should, and therefore will, edit it into the OP of this thread too. Thanks so much for bringing that to my attention! :oops:
  6. Edited. Please see OP. :)
  7. Bump! Still open to new members!
  8. I take back what I said about thinking about joining
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. Bump! Happy third birthday to the MPO!
  10. Handing this over to the rest of the MPO to run in my place.
  11. It's been a long time with no activity on this thread. Nonetheless, we're still recruiting!
  12. interesting
    We3_MPO likes this.