Rate the avatar of the person above you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, May 12, 2014.

  1. 6/10.
    It's the picture from Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II.
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  2. 4/10
    Rather generic
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  3. 6/10
    Interesting but not too interesting XD
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  4. 9/10. I like the Legend of Zelda.
    smile3, gabeli and zombieslayer010 like this.
  5. 0.1/10 I liked your old avatar better );
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  6. You're being kind of rude now... I don't want to get into a flame war. You can't just rate something lower than how you actually feel it should be rated because you were in favor of something else.
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  7. 6.5/10 -IGN
    penfoldex and zombieslayer010 like this.
  8. Nine point nine repeating out of ten or 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.../10
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  9. Not that original, still sufficent because it's not a question mark.

    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  10. 4 i dislike selfies that show they met somone
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  11. Beautiful. 99999/10
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  12. 9 intresting
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  13. 5 just your face
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  14. 4/10, rather generic
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  15. 7 kinda cool.
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  16. 7. I love chibi minecraft characters =)
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  17. 7. Because everyone's saying 7, and because dragons eat hamsters. :(
    hashhog3000 and zombieslayer010 like this.
  18. 10/10 self explanatory really.
    zombieslayer010 likes this.
  19. 4. Because that thing will haunt me in my sleep.
    10/10 Because turtles are in.
    sambish20 likes this.
  20. 3/10 because plain and why angels? :p