Rate the avatar of the person above you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, May 12, 2014.

  1. 6/10 I don't get it
  2. New avatar :p 6/10 So there's a phone booth in a thunderstorm?
  3. 8/10.
    That's the Tardis! It's the Doctor's time machine on Doctor Who. I believe his avatar is part of the starting scene in every Doctor Who episode, or the time passage.
  4. Oh, thanks and 8.5/10 who doesn't love sonic?
  5. Wowzies... no rednecks up in this joint. D:

    9/10 simplistic, but I like the shading.
  6. 4/10.
    Leopard_Knight likes this.
  7. Computers class :p
    Oh, and Sunny_Chicken
    9.99/10 It's chicken but not the best chicken.
  8. 7/10 Because I don't know what it means
  9. It's Pi... 3.14?
    Also, 9/10 nice photography!
  10. Ohh, of course I thought it meant something else.
  11. Hm, 9/10. Bikes are cool :D
    goreman2000 likes this.
  12. 6/10 I am not sure what its from, but is a good drawing, took me a few hours to edit mine :p
  13. 4/10. You're finch_rocks_1. Not finch_rocks_5.
    607 likes this.
  14. Meh 3/10 not to much of an anime person just saying
  15. 6 outa 10
    and agreed 10/10 cause we dont want dem der Canadians comin south XD
  16. 8/10 wtf iz dis , I like it =D
  17. Its jim carrey from ace ventura ina tutu.
    also 9/10 this kid came home to a empty fridge.
    607 likes this.