Rare promos!

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by _REMOVED_87055, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Anyone know how many Aikar 12/23/13 heads are out there?
  2. I believe 64 were dropped, though some were duped so there could be a few more out there. I can pull the link for the recall of duped ones in a moment. [E]: Thread can be found here.

    Spiritress owns a Horse ManEwwEr, happy birthday aikar sig, and a ToE book. :)
  3. One ICC eggnog was owned by JZH1000, but then deleted from being direlict. :(
    fBuilderS likes this.
  4. Would look at merging threads on this, it could get incredibly messy having two of the same one...
    fBuilderS likes this.
  5. What about purple aikar heads?
  6. Deathconn no longer has one, he sold it a few months ago
    fBuilderS likes this.
  7. Dufne has one c: I think samsimx owns one more as well
  8. Got one as well:
  9. i have a purple kryssy head
  10. i have a purple aikar head
  11. MoeMacZap has an Arena Longbow I believe, and I have a Horse ManEwwEr also :)
  12. I have a Purple Aikar Head and the only Yellow Krysyy Head in existence. :)

    The highest offer I've gotten for the Yellow Krysyy Head was 6,000,000 rupees.
    Dufne likes this.
  13. I have an ICC eggnog :)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  14. Rex1o owns arena bow #5
  15. that mean that someone in the list do not own a longbow :p
  16. or 2 .. ;)
  17. I have 1 Purple Aikar Head. Will be going up in the /v +pp on smp8 promo museum soon!
  18. In reference to the Arena Longbows, I think 1 or 2 have them may have been sold/traded. I know I still have mine at 18200, I think Moe still has one in his underground place on SMP9 too, but I'm not sure about the others!