Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Meanwhile in Pocket Edition:
    607 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  2. I found a pretty pony. It looks like its back is made of bedrock, or it's diseased. Me gusta.

  3. Is this on creative?

    Me on a nice little trip with legowhoes. 2013-06-27_00.46.16.png
    jacob5089 likes this.
  4. Well, he does have health
    607 and Parkerjv9 like this.
  5. Oh, of course lol, didn't realise:p Then there's a pretty big ice lake.
    Parkerjv9 likes this.
  6. Stacked cake, this morning. :D 2013-07-07_10.06.17.png
    o0_Jetfire_0o, jacob5089 and 607 like this.
  7. My ghostly armor and Faith bobbin around

    607 likes this.
  8. I'll sell faithcaster paper for 100k.

    Face to face with a creeper. In each case, the lava will hopefully set her on fire. Unluckily the underwater base where I am now, is deleted in the last wild spawn area reset. 2013-05-02_19.16.16.png

  9. marknaaijer and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  10. This is what happens when you play with electricity, kids.

    You end up a disembodied head.

    The author at work. ;)

    So many ocelots!
    bloodra1n, 607 and jacob5089 like this.
  11. Yeah, four zombie viruses.. Is this even possible?

    Just hangin'...
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.
  12. Cleain' up the Frontier Spawn! :D (SMP7)


    Used a SC of dirt so far!
    o0_Jetfire_0o, 607 and supereskimo like this.
  13. Oh my... its you! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    o0_Jetfire_0o, 607 and Green_Mystery like this.

  14. Yep, it's me. And my distant cousin Ralphie! :)
  15. He seems friendly!

    Like doughnuts?
    o0_Jetfire_0o, 607 and Green_Mystery like this.
  16. It's done! I missed something...

    More pictures of my floating islands map(so bad nobody played this aside from my little brother, pandaseatramen said she wanted to 2013-05-07_02.46.03.png 2013-05-08_15.22.41.png , but never heard of again. 2013-05-06_16.50.27.png
    Kryarias likes this.