Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. *le me on smp5*
    *le suddenly*
    *le me wonders why everyone vanished in the same 5 seconds*
    *le me holds tab*
    *le me was scared*
  2. 2014-02-02_01.38.33.png Mean Awhile on smp7..... This
    Got on smp7 and this was going on...
  3. at that point you should just smile and slowly walk away...
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and 607 like this.
  4. 2014-02-01_14.03.32.png

    Olaf_C, xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and 607 like this.
  5. That's just plain scary... :eek:
  6. Just now on SMP7, I login and I'm asking Brit and Sonic what the heck? They're all "THere's nothing there hurhur" and I log out and in and change texture packs and it won't go away, they then tell me they were trolling and I call them butts in Town chat by accident for all and even Aikar to see -_-.

    deathconn, britbrit3197 and sonicol1 like this.
  7. 2014-02-04_08.21.43.png
    Me on smp1 all by myself, all I was thinking was "Friends??? Friend!!! I have noone to talk to! Wreck havoc!"
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  8. Vote. Now.
    battmeghs and 607 like this.
  9. My friend's Fire Chickens. They live in the lava and burn constantly.

    Attached Files:

    PandasEatRamen and 607 like this.
  10. My adventures on smp5 with my personal dirt throwing, hole digging, firework spamming ghost.
    2014-02-10_19.06.34.png 2014-02-10_19.17.49.png 2014-02-10_19.23.07.png 2014-02-10_19.23.08.png 2014-02-10_19.23.08_2.png 2014-02-10_19.23.12.png 2014-02-10_19.23.13.png 2014-02-10_19.23.19.png 2014-02-10_19.23.30.png
    I tried to figure who it was.
    Then I remembered there is Mob Arena in 30 mins
    CadenMann, FDNY21 and Korszak like this.
  11. Who was it?
  12. Davie, or I at least think it was.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  13. Yay, new snapshot:) 2013-10-01_15.26.32.png
  14. Could be an old photo