i have random question for you. do you feel like you are chasing to something? for me, i do feel like i am chasing to new love lol i am werid but i am good person in heart c: sorry about random question!
I feel like I am chasing those dollar bills you know what I am saying. Gucci gang for life. Nah kidding I am not like that I actually have my dignity left. Questions can't be weird if you make them weird. Same applies to stupid questions, they aren't stupid if you don't know the answer. It's when you don't learn from the few other times you ask the same question. So don't worry. For my actual response, I believe everyone is looking for something. May not be love but it's something of importance to them. For me, I want to move along in my life and not be impeded by outside sources. I already got my career that I studied for at trade school. I am now looking for a new place to live and possibly get a car within that equation. Love isn't a priority to me right now, sounds weird but yeah. I'm letting that goal of finding someone meaningful in the back seat of my primary goal of actual life.
I've changed a lot over the past two years, and... I don't know where I am anymore. I've flipped between three career choices and don't know which one to do anymore. I don't know what my post-college life is (that's high school for Americans). My social anxiety is at the lowest level its been in a decade but now I've got a social self-confidence deficit. My SAD didn't do anything at all to me this year, so where does that stand? Who is this person, this adult? He's certainly not the same person I was two years ago, who thought he'd changed all he could and this was his permanent state forever - he never thought he'd be hiding things from his parents, or be worried about his A Level results, or never know what to do; yet here we are. If I'm chasing something, I'd say myself. Change. Pleasure. Love. Success. I dunno. Everything. Something. Everything and something? Most of all, I'm chasing the desire to not let people forget the fact that in 1998, the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell and plummeted sixteen feet through the announcer's table.
i know im chasing something my girlfriend for one and my career for another but i've almost always chased something in my life
Chasing my goals to live a happier lyfe boi, I won't go into detail on how that shall be achieved for now though ;P