Random facts

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Socks2, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. There are more plastic flamingos in the USA than real flamingos. :p
  2. Ok now i gotta go to sleep ( I live in The Netherlands :p ) So my last one Didaskaleinophobia is the fear of school.
  3. Darth Vader never says "Luke, I am your father" also Han shot first.
  4. If you google "do a barrel roll" google will do a barrel roll;).
  5. Papaphobia fear of the pope Panophobia or Pantophobia fear of everything.
  6. The joke "ITS OVER 9000!!!" is actually "ITS OVER 8000!!!", but due to the fact that the mouth of the person saying this, which looked like saying "over 9000", they decided to put it at 9000
  7. If you watch MythBusters closely Kari Byron can be seen wearing a Venom t-shirt which is awesome:D
  8. Wow I'm a DBZ fan and I didn't know that.:)