Random Build Question

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by GreenMeanie, Sep 4, 2023.

  1. So I was building intersections for road edits, and this pattern popped up. It looks familiar to me and I can't quite name what it looks like. Any ideas? Possibly a logo of some kind?

  2. Looks to me like the logo for Super Smash Bros

    UltiPig, triphora and GreenMeanie like this.
  3. It reminds me of the Scandinavian Cross.
    Envine likes this.
  4. Obviously a spreadsheet
  5. Obviously lol
  6. Close to the Denmark Flag


    impulsSV - YouTuber
  7. Agreed that it resembles several flags.

    Looks like a gift/present.

    Looks like town on EMC.
  8. A mixture of windows and the denmark flag, there are tons of logos using such a design