Actually, your whole thing about the parallel universes is wrong. The black hole will transport you to Exo-Space. You might see a TARDIS.
I think this is the first time I can finally agree with you on something. Mark your calendars, EMC. On-Topic: L0tad, bitemenow is pretty on-target with his corrections, but don't let it get you down either. Stellar phenomena like black holes, quasars, supernovae and the like (to say nothing of the whole "dark energy / dark matter" thing that's cropped up in recent years) is all incredibly complex stuff. You're discussing things some people have literally devoted their entire lives to understanding, it's not all going to fall into place in the span of a day or two. That doesn't mean it's not something worth thinking on or talking about.
This thread has something to do with black holes. I'm not exactly sure what it is because I was to lazy to read the whole thing so does someone just wanna give me a summery about it? Then I can jump into the conversation.
mostly just speculation of what could lie on the other side of a temporal rift, some say other versi and a few say that all black holes are wormholes to the beginning of creation, thus explaining entrophy.
huh interesting to bad we will never know because we would be crushed by the pressure before we even came out of the other side. I hope that we invent space travel some day though.
I would suggest you guys read the novel Sphere by Michael Crichton. It's science-fiction but there is a lot of interesting stuff happening in it dealing with black holes.
the problem with time travel is the infinite paradox theory: so say you want to go back in time for a specific reason right? so you go and fix whatever it is and by doing so eliminate the need to travel in time to fix that thing thus never having changed it. its a nice thought and if we could overcome this boundary it would be amazing but otherwise only forward time travel would be possible according to the laws of this universe as they are now edit: ninjaed an excellent book
I'm sorry I only know that from Back to the Future That is my favorite movie series even thought it is very old.
Kinda the same thing with looking into the future. Once you know what the future is it changes thus making you not know what the future is anymore. also in about 2 years it will be the year that the main character from back to the future went to. Freaky.
Or the Grandfather Paradox. This is one of the more complicated ones. Say you travel back in time to when your grandfather was unmarried. If you shot your grandfather then, your parents wouldn't have been born and you wouldn't have been born. But wait- this means you couldn't travel back in time to shoot your grandfather. Therefore your grandfather is still alive, so you would be born. This causes you to travel back in time to kill your grandfather........ Rinse and repeat. Also it is possible to travel forward in time, in fact it's not that hard. The closer and closer you move to the speed of light, time goes slower for you. This means that if we could create some sort of engine that allows near-light speed travel, we could travel forward in time. Also if you are close to a large object with immense gravity (like a black hole), time goes slower. This means that if you orbit around a black hole in a spaceship for one day, all of your friends will be older than you when you return. Also, slipstream space.
Note a hydrogen atom only has a proton and electron, no neutrons. There is going to be someone entirely unfamiliar with atoms and the black hole theory and they are just going to be like "whaaaaaaaaaat..."
Yea you marry your grandma when you go back in the past yet you mom still gives birth to you. It also works if you marry your own father or mother in the past. This is super confusing BTW