Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Carr_x, Mar 26, 2016.


Should you be able to buy the elytra in the shop?

Yes 19 vote(s) 59.4%
No 13 vote(s) 40.6%
  1. For one, EMC is still pay-to-win.
    For two, pay-to-win means irl money. Not ingame money. That would be like saying buying diamond should be removed because it's too pay-to-win.
  2. I think there'll be about 100 Elytras found during this first reset. That being said if Elytras were able to be obtained through voter rewards. The race to find them wouldn't be so vast in the End waste. Resulting in a very expensive item. It would take several resets to be able to flood the market with such an item.
    607 likes this.
  3. The Elytra should be for all to use. It should be free as a 1.9 promo. There should be an Elytra flag and it should be sold at 50k plus. It shouldn't be in the starter kit.
    Sansville likes this.
  4. I'd personally like to not give out elytra as promo item
    in order to have (at least one) such item in the game
    that requires significant effort to get and can't be farmed.

    I've tried to get elytra in SSP and it took me around an hour to get the first one (including killing the dragon), then less than 45 Min to find the next one.

    Getting from island to island in the End requires some practice, it's not trivial and takes time, but it's not too hard.

    The hardest part for me were the enderman, but next time I'll take a bucket of water with me. :)
    607 and OriginalScuf like this.
  5. Maybe...
    The Elytra will just like any other ordinary item
    Anyone think of that?