Question: Frontier

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ZombieInstinct, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Oh, well that helps alot thanks! I take it ice blocks don't melt there?
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.

  2. Whoops, saw this and forgot to reply; just as you said, that was the case. Thanks! :D
  3. hey zombie it seems u have every thing under control for making your base
    so I don't really need to add anymore points as they have all been covered
    ill simply wanted to say that if you ever want to make an outpost of your base or need help building
    up your base I would be happy to help (have literally all the time in the world to do that XD)
    and im sure other people would be happy to join in as well hope your building goes well
  4. I don't think my outpost has been approved yet, the prior location had too much going on so I wouldn't be able to get a established outpost there, I'm trying this new place and officially posted in the request thread about it. If it goes through and I figure out what exactly I want to build (since I usually do the mental mapping for me and my friends and they do the slave work, haha) I'll let ya know if we need any help! Thanks!
    Equinox_Boss, khixan and 607 like this.