[Question] Do mushrooms spread in town?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Wyvern26, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Do mushrooms spread in town?

    I've built a small automatic mushroom farm on my res with around 120 mushrooms growing in it. I know mushrooms spread very rarely* but I've been afk by the farm for a few hours and haven't got a single mushroom harvested. I'm wondering if there's any change to the regular spreading algorithm in town.

    *For reference the regular mushroom spreading algorithm is as follows. Each game tick 3 random blocks in each 16x16x16 sub-chunk receive an update. If a mushroom receives an update it has a 1/100 chance of choosing a random block in a 3x3x3 centred on the mushroom. If the mushroom chooses a block which a mushroom can be placed, then a mushroom spreads to this location. In my farm design, each mushroom can spread to 3 different blocks. With this in mind I was expecting around 2 mushrooms per hour.
  2. Mushrooms will grow in town. By default, I don't think that any environmental features other than mob spawning are disabled.
    EDIT: Someone should fact check this, but I believe that mushrooms only grow in dark environments.
    It's also recommended to start off with a larger amount of mushrooms across a larger area, because that will significantly increase the amount of mushrooms you'll get at any given time.
  3. you need a bigger then 3x3x3 area. Mushrooms will only spread if there are fewer than 5 mushrooms in an area of 9x9x3(L, W, H) around the original mushroom.
  4. Mushrooms will not grow if the light level is greater than 12 unless they are planted on Podzol or Mycelium. This is according to the minecraft wiki
    We3_MPO likes this.
  5. Ooooh! I didn't know that, I think that may be the reason why it's not working. Thanks!
    We3_MPO likes this.
  6. I can confirm, they spread. I have a small mushy mushroom farm and it works like a charm.
    Wyvern26 and We3_MPO like this.