Question about locations of farms in wild

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by MageTrixx, May 10, 2014.

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  1. Moderated: It is now in the rules that you may not discuss other players base locations:
    The only way to have any say over how another player uses untouched areas of the wilds is by 'establishing' a claim. Outside of that, there is no rule saying a player cannot build anywhere that does not alter in any way another players build. Altering/breaking/building on another players build is griefing and is bannable.

    However, the rules governing where you can build in the wild may be changing soon. It is being discussed.

    Ever since I began my days in EMC, I heard staff and players saying you may not publicly share the location of other players builds that were not already made public by them. I assumed it was a rule, perhaps an unwritten one.
    I have had a long search and cannot find any such rule. Only found it in guides on wilderness 'etiquette'.

    Hence, there is no rule saying you cannot publish locations or information you find on other players bases. However, as it is strongly frowned upon to do so, I would strongly advise you do not do that.

    We are currently discussing this topic, so the lack of a rule on it may change.

    In the past, the main infraction that people have been pulled up on is simply that of causing trouble/drama. If it is found that a player is releasing information in a malicious manner, they will be dealt with according to EMC's CoC.
    weeh666 likes this.
  2. ok thats what i was looking for. I dont plan on making any malicious attempts to "blast" locations in chat, but i was curious because players have been doing this out loud in chat and ive been told that if i do it ill be reported/banned.

    I wanted facts and rules which you did explain. I thank both of you for taking the time to reply And i am aware of the "causing am uproar publicly" I do see this creating a problem for the fact players will think they can go right off spwan and make a build and false report anyone who uses/builds around it. So if this is implemented make sure to look at all angles

    Again, i thank you for your time in replying to this thread. If one of you 2 mods could lock/close this thread it would be appreciated!!

  3. Oh man, the huge amount of face changing is killing me inside lol.
  4. pretty random, but ooooook.
  5. There was a subtle point so it is ok you missed it lol.
  6. oh i didnt miss it, its just completely useless. But i guess some people have more free time to waste away than others.

    This thread has been answered, if you dont know how to stay on subject, then i suggest not replying.
    Your randomness is very strange
  7. It's now a written rule, just scroll down to CoC 10 :)

    Locked as per request :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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