Public Forever co. Cacti Complex.

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by 12info, Jun 3, 2015.


Who has used the Forever co. cacti complex on smp5?

Poll closed Jul 29, 2015.
Yes, i have used it before. 5 vote(s) 13.5%
No, i have not used it before 32 vote(s) 86.5%
  1. forever mall wouldnt be possible without my third res and i helped alot with that mall and i help keep sure the enderfarm is ok i get krysyy to clear out a few unneeded chests every couple of months
  2. I see...
    *i should sneak in and grab enderpearls for myself, then, seeing as they're not needed* xD
  3. Wow. I guess after seeing what was on smp5 and all the detailed work I didn't expect it could be present on other smps as well.
  4. ^^^
    jk xD