Project Insight

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by BurgerKnight, May 7, 2017.


Who is your favorite original Avenger?

Captain America 8 vote(s) 28.6%
Iron Man 11 vote(s) 39.3%
Black Widow 3 vote(s) 10.7%
Hawkeye 4 vote(s) 14.3%
Thor 1 vote(s) 3.6%
Hulk 1 vote(s) 3.6%
  1. In the back underneath the overhanging runway. If you see the wall with sea lanterns on top, you're in the right area. Staircase to the right and another entrance to the left.

    Or through the iron doors on the upper runway in the back, into the large tower.
  2. You have to become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  3. I saw this on the live map when I went out to raid the wastelands there. I turned the live map on and saw it instantly before I could click on my name. I was quite a ways from spawn, so I switched to 3D mode to check it out. Very impressive from the map, I'll have to check it out in person sometime. I just hope I don't accidentally drop a fish and end up married to it ;).
  4. saw this project insight the other that at you res, looks impressive knight!

    thank you for sharing !
    BurgerKnight and Sachrock like this.
  5. This is absolutely incredible, you guys are amazing at building and this looks great~!
    BurgerKnight and Sachrock like this.