[PROJECT] EMC's first calculator!

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by SebaB2001, May 22, 2013.

  1. Not really, especially with him building it on utopia which has less players on it than regular SMPs usually.
  2. We could create multiple computers, link them up, and create a network. We could create an Internet in Minecraft.
  3. We'd need Wireless Redstone before we do things like that :)
    SebaB2001 likes this.
  4. Cool, When will this be done?
  5. Or really big cables to communicate the information.
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  6. well im starting this weekend. but, it will probs take like 2-3 weeks
  7. Si, you should YouTube those kinds of videos. I have seen crazy and large creations of computers with RAM, CPU, GPU and monitors and more.