[Price Check] Rares and Promos

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by Kyzoy, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. I have listed below my current estimate for my horde of rares based on this thread by The_Mancub. I'm sure that some prices have changed since then, so any replies to help me update my list would be appreciated.
    I'm sure that I will be selling many of these items in the future, but please don't offer on the items below at this time. I'm just trying to inventory what I've got. ;)

  2. Like Allicanto said, My promo thread has almost all the promo prices and I do update the thread all the time. I even have at the bottom of the thread a time/date on when I last updated it.
  3. That's the thread that I already posted in the original post.

    I based most of my items off that, but some items such as the Independence Day Chest are missing leading me to create my own estimate. There were a few items where I was told they were worth significantly more than what was listed, namely the Purple People Party Paper.

    I'm aware that the n/a ones really don't have a marketplace value since they aren't really items you sell. Likely would've been better not to include them in the screenshots.
    Your thread was super helpful in my estimates. Just looking for someone to look it over and see if there are any outliers.
    Allicanto likes this.
  4. Thats what my thread is about, for people to look over it and see if anything needs updating and I update it on peoples input and from promo auctions and promo shops. people are always looking over the list and see if anything needs changing.
  5. Do Chicken Skewer DC Auction. :D

    By the way, the Iron Supporter Gift - I would totally buy it from you considering it's like 600k.
  6. More detail about the Iron Suporter gift:
    I don'tknow hhow long you have been away exactly, but the "suporter gift" items hhave been changed to "suporter vouchers" the gift ones are quite rare currently, as they haven't been given out for a long time now. If it really is a suporter gift, I'd price it at least an oprder of magniture more :p but maybe even double that, 1.2mil sounds like a good pricing for that item actually... (as very little people are willing to sell it)
  7. The iron supporter gift is worth around 1.5 mil. They hardly ever sell and are rarer by population standards then a fair few items.
    The DNC independence pants could bring upwards of 750k due to its rarity and the last selling of a purple people party paper was recently at 4.25 million.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  8. I bought my iron supporter gift from AC's promo shop in 2016 for 150k. :p

    And the Orig Empire assistant is not much as if you vault and transfer to another server or open it, it resets it. I would say a few thousand tops.
  9. A lot can change in two years price wise. Think about 60k as an example. It's almost quadrupled since 2016
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  10. All the supporter gifts prices have been changed. as for the DNC independence pants have any been sold around that price?
  11. I'd say they all are around the same price. Last item I bought was around 460k. I know of some currently on hold for 500k a piece. (And no, not saying who ;))
    The_Mancub likes this.
  12. I am willing to pay 750k for a pair of DNC pants lol just have to find a seller. It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay so if one is on hold for 500k and I'm willing to pay 750k it must be around that range.
    The_Mancub likes this.
  13. I think this is the problem with some of these prices. Because someone would be willing to over pay (which is their choice of course), it is then assumed that the price they paid is now the value when often it's really not. People are free to pay what ever they want I just think we need to be careful to not artificially bump up prices based on this which only makes it harder to price items and buy them.
    Laae likes this.