Here it is! [Le Picture!] ← Gotta click that. xD WARNING: It's the most manliest desk in the intire forums! -Sarcasme-
The first things I saw: 1) Bears (!!!) 2) Pepsi 3) Martinelli's 4) Pocky Sticks 5) iPhone Everything up there is something that I really enjoy. So I enjoyed that picture Except for the somewhat unsymmetrical room. That set off my OCD D:
1 ~ Ohmygodabearsfan!! [?] 2 ~ Don't get to drink alot of pop. 3 ~ It's actualy Welch's, but close! 4 ~ I have 5 more boxes, I LOVE them! 5 ~ Actualy an iTouch and it's my dad's, I'm too cheap to get one of my own. xD 6 ~ I'm not as OCD in real life as I am in MC. :I
Cross-country season is around the corner, so I'm greatly limiting my soda intake. Doesn't stop me from having a coke every 2 weeks or so
Nice joystick, check mine Heard of dusting? Yea that might help... Nice monitor, check mine Here's, mine