Possible glitch/bug? Constant Momentus and Marlix

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by MonkeyMakabby, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Even still. Can't see banning some for that.
    Penguinub and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. Unless he was doing something which caused them to appear. That is the only reason I can think of.
  3. I wanted to collect clay, I went to the waste, and I saw multiple, i didn't even do ANYTHING to make them spawn.
  4. Then why did Shyguy get banned for it while fighting 4 Marlixes...?
  5. It was WAAAAAAAAAAY more than that flareon
  6. I still don't think it was your fault... e.e

    I'm discouraged to fight some myself now anymore tbh ._.
  7. I will only believe that when I hear it from Staff.
  8. We probably should not get into the why's in this thread. Staff will sort it out, of this I am sure.
    jkjkjk182 and bitemenow15 like this.
  9. It's being looked at by Dev. tema as of now but we'll have official reply in few hours just keep calm. As for other topics that have arise in this thread. It's a Pending Investigation meaning we still have follow Staff protocol so we can only talk about to player at hand no one else. :D just keep rolling along for time being
  10. what about me boulder, I just stumbled upon this...will I still be banned since #DevBrokeIt ???
  11. Like I said it's a "Pending Investigation" I can't say publicly what we looking into because protocol. Alright, you should have answer in few hours.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  12. Thank you, still... #DevBrokeIt
  13. Devs didn't break anything. Anyways before I go on a rant about the issue "Let's blame someone else" cause I hate that mentality. We'll have Official reply in few hours ago.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. Thanks for looking into it Dwight, I too also got banned and am hoping for the best. Again, thanks for looking into it :)
  15. There is a weird glitch that is causing Marlix to randomly duplicate itself, resulting in unnatural #'s of them.

    Before it was something we'd only seen once, resulting in over 1000 marlix's.... But now with the increased spawns it is occuring more often now.

    When you see 100+ marlix in an area, that is clearly not intended, and taking advantage of bugs is not allowed, so if you see an unnatural number, please do not kill them and report it to us ASAP.

    I am still confused on the source of the issue, but will be attempting to bandaid it by 1) identifying odd states, 2) auto removing extras, tonight.
    jkjkjk182 and The_Boulder like this.
  16. So now I stay banned, Great >.<
  17. Aikar can you comment on this... I have maybe 8 or so out at my base. These are build up over many days though. Is this safe to exterminate?
  18. And the OP isn't even asking about the duplication issue, but more so the over-all rate of spawns.

    note with multiple people you have opportunity to see more than 1 a day, but rates appear to be as desired for SMP6:

    smp6:[05:53:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[06:36:38] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[07:21:31] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[07:55:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[08:52:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[09:35:23] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[10:14:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[10:52:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[11:22:56] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[11:56:17] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[12:32:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[13:18:35] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[13:56:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[14:32:58] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[15:15:48] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[15:52:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
    smp6:[16:33:55] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[17:17:46] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MARLIX -
    smp6:[17:52:07] [Server thread/INFO]: [Empire] [MINIBOSS-SPAWN] MOMENTUS
  19. Yes. If it was natural (ie you saw spawn messages for each one), then go for it!

    Plus no known issue with Momentus, just Marlix.

    Staff will communicate with you privately on the issue.
    ThaKloned likes this.