[Poll] What is your favorite generated structure?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jun 27, 2017.


What is your favorite Minecraft structure?

Poll closed Aug 8, 2017.
Abandoned Mineshaft 4 vote(s) 13.3%
Village 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Igloo 1 vote(s) 3.3%
Witch hut 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Desert or Jungle temple 2 vote(s) 6.7%
Ocean monument 5 vote(s) 16.7%
Woodland mansion 9 vote(s) 30.0%
Stronghold 1 vote(s) 3.3%
Nether fortress 1 vote(s) 3.3%
End city 7 vote(s) 23.3%
  1. Hi gang!

    Earlier today I was mining in the wasteland, came across an abandoned mineshaft and before I knew I was busy exploring, fending off cave spiders, getting startled by creepers, collecting tons of rails (I love that) and also becoming a little excited over finding a few minecarts (with a treasure chest). A bit later some other players showed up (reminds me to place signs so that we can find our way in and out) and we we're having a great time (it also helped that we were in an Extreme Hills biome, so we also nabbed plenty of emerald ores :cool:).

    Then I started thinking... there are so many special structures in Minecraft, what's your favorite?

    I'm not sure if I've done this one before, but... who cares.

    Besides: pictures! (taken in single player by the way ;))

    Abandoned Mineshaft

    An abandoned mineshaft is just that. A huge dug out structure where the corridors have tons of wooden supports in them in order to prevent a collapse (which of course never happens, not even if you collect all the wood). Apart from the wooden beams you'll find lots of rails on the ground, tons of spider webs, you're also likely to find some minecarts which contain chests with loot in them and finally there are often cave spider spawners hidden away. As soon as you come across a corridor which is fully filled with spider webbings then you'd better be careful! :eek:

    Unfortunately I only found a zombie infested village :confused:

    If you're playing survival then this is definitely something to look out for. A normal village will have plenty of villagers in them and they're happy to trade with you. For a price of course, villagers use emeralds as currency and trade those for all sorts of things. Sometimes you can buy useful items from them, but they're also often interested in buying items from you.

    Just be careful that you don't get ripped off ;) Like this one guy who once tried to sell me an iron shovel for 7 emeralds. Naah, I don't think so ;)


    Fancy a trip into the arctic regions? Then you may find these buildings. It's a small building made with snow blocks and if you look around you may even find some treasure inside. Just be careful for the polar bears. When alone they're harmless, but if a young cub is present then you'd better be careful.

    A fair warning: sometimes the cub will enter the igloo while the parents stay outside. That can create some pretty uncomfortable situations :D

    Witch hut

    Swamps are great for digging up tons of clay which you can then use to either make bricks (and then brick blocks) or smelt them into terracotta and maybe even glazed terracotta. Unfortunately the swamps are also the favorite place of the witches. Here they can easily cook up their evil potions which they love to throw at you just to see what it does.

    There's nothing like getting splashed by some poison and then hearing them laugh at your misery.

    Desert (and jungle) temple
    Only showing the desert temple because I couldn't find the other one...

    The desert temple is like the pyramid of an ancient pharaoh: filled with a few nasty booby traps. You'll find plenty of sandstone and wool, and 4 treasure chests in the center. Just be careful: if you carelessly jump into the big hole then you may get a bang out of this experience ;)

    There's also a jungle temple which is mostly made from cobble and mossy cobble and it's also the only structure which has a redstone powered trap. There are tripwire hooks connected with string, and if you trigger them you'll end up getting shot with arrows.

    Ocean monument

    Fancy some deep sea diving? If you come into a deep ocean then you may find one of these huge buildings. The monument is home of the three elder guardians who guard a valuable treasure: four golden blocks encased in dark prismarine. Of course all the ocean blocks are quite interesting as well ;)

    Woodland mansion

    Not every villager is happy with their lives in the village. In fact, some grew completely tired of it and can no longer stand the villagers nor us players who often visit trying to get some good trades for emeralds. And so the Illagers went deep into a dark (roofed) forest where they build this gigantic woodland mansion. Inside you'll find the illagers (the vindicator and evoker) as well as several other hostile mobs. And of course there's plenty of treasure and cool things to discover as well.


    This is the place to go when you want to try and reach the End. A stronghold is a dungeon-like structure deep underground. Just like the abandoned mineshaft it has tons of corridors and rooms, but you won't find as many cobwebs. Notable areas are the library (which you can see on the right) and the End portal (in the middle). This will take you to the End.

    As you can see it's not uncommon for both the mineshaft and the stronghold to get mixed into each other, which can make the exploration of these areas even more exciting (and dangerous!).

    Also notice the "spawner room" on the left (in the foreground). It contains either a zombie or skeleton spawner and will have 2 chests filled with loot in them.

    Nether fortress

    Now things become really dangerous... If you want to brew potions then you'll have no other choice but to try and find one of these. Home of the wither skeletons and the blazes. If you manage to get yourself a blaze rod then you'll finally be able to craft a brewing stand. Just don't forget to find some netherwart as well, otherwise you'll still be left empty handed.

    This place is not for the faint of heart. Because of its dimply lit environment you can easily find yourself getting lost here. And if you're not careful and overlook one of the many gaps then there's a nice warm lava lake waiting for you to fall into below :eek:

    End city

    And finally...

    If you manage to defeat the Ender dragon then you'll soon come across a portal which will guide you deeper into the End and onto the different end islands. And if you're lucky you'll come across one of these. Home of the endermen and the shulkers. An end city is basically a huge vertical parkour which will contain several nice chests to loot.

    But the real prize is of course to be found in the end ships (seen in the background near the middle). If you can find one of those then you may very well find yourself the mystical elytra. Add some fireworks and you can soon take to the sky!

    Of course you can also chose to allow yourself to get hit by a shulker particle, then you'll gain the levitation effect: flying without help. Just be careful though, because what goes up.... :D

    So yeah....

    What is your favorite?
    SkeleTin007, 607, benthebobjr and 2 others like this.
  2. Interesting thread shelly...
    I have loved the ocean momnument since it's added, it, fo corse, gave us builders some really cool blocks to work with, but it mainly was a oportunuty to some really fancy farm designs that give you some really fancy loot aswell, also I think it's the best one qua design aswell, it might lack a little depth and such, but I do really think it's kind of good...
    607, mjnoe70 and ShelLuser like this.
  3. i really like mineshafts b/c u get to explore a lot and its always different, but woodland mansions are super fun & scary!

    never found one on emc yet, but i know a villager which sells maps ^.^
    607 likes this.
  4. Regardless of the fact that I've never seen one in person, there's just something that I love about igloos. C:

    also that ghast is horrifying
    607 likes this.
  5. Tough one for me. Big fan of witch huts–they might be number one. Also a fan of nether fortresses, desert temples, and, of course, villages. Villages bring back memories of singleplayer worlds involving a lot of TNT, haha.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. I like the witch huts because they literally have no point.
    (Seriously Mojang, you could have at least added a spawner or something)
    Hashhog likes this.
  7. I always love me some temples.
  8. They can be used to make witch farms.
    PetezzaDawg and ShelLuser like this.
  9. For me it's abandoned mineshafts.

    I also really enjoy the ocean monument and the woodland mansion (the latter always makes me think back about low budget horror movies) but in the end they're kind of pre-determined. If you know the layout then you'll have little problems navigating one of these. And the mobs inside (or around them) are also kind of predictable.

    So the reason I favor mineshafts is because of their random nature. When you start to explore a tunnel you'll have no way of knowing what you'll find. It could be a dead end, it could be filled with zombies or other mobs, you may even run into a room with a spawner (always fun if it has been active for a while :eek:).

    Basically the only thing you will recognize about a mineshaft is the "dirt square" somewhere in the middle. But even that gives you no clues where this whole thing might lead to.

    And of course... the rewards. Because of the massive tunneling you're bound to find plenty of ore lying around. And those minecart chests can also make a very welcome income.

    The best part: because they're decently common you're bound to find some of these somewhere :)
    607 likes this.
  10. For me it's a toss between Strongholds and Woodland Mansions... Now if there was a stronghold as a basement of a woodland Mansion that that beast would win my vote hands down...
  11. For looks: the ocean monuments and the end cities. The ocean monument is built up out of beautiful blocks that fit the underwater very well, and the shape of the building is usually also very elegant.
    For end cities, the same applies. New, interesting, beautiful blocks, that fit the area they're in perfectly. And the structure of end cities looks amazingly whimsical. I love it.

    For exploration's sake, though: abandoned mineshafts for sure. They're not really much to look at from the inside, but once you're in, it's quite exciting.
    I also like abandoned mineshafts because they always spawn, regardless of the presence of terrain. This means you can have abandoned mineshafts going through ravines, which can look great, but this also means that if you generate a world without much in the form of terrain, the abandoned mineshafts will still be there. It can make for an interesting survival challenge to have abandoned mineshafts only. :)
    AncientTower and ShelLuser like this.
  12. For sure I love the end cities and the ships because of the good stuff you can find in them and shulker shells for those who are daring enough and also elytras.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  13. Mesa biome abandoned mineshafts. Gotta get all of the gold.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  14. There should be an option for "all of the above" as my favorite thing to do in Minecraft is explore and loot all of these.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  15. End cities, because shulker shells are always useful and getting Elytra from the ship is so satisfying :)
    607 likes this.
  16. You forgot the best generated structure :shame:
    The Desert Well
  17. Ayups, some things were left out (but not forgotten). Problem is that you can only add up to 10 items to a vote ;)

    Thanks for sharing!
    607 likes this.