[POLL] Should mob grinders/spawners be removed from the Empire?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jkjkjk182, Jun 16, 2012.


Should mob grinders/spawners be removed from the Empire?

Yes. (Please explain) 3 vote(s) 3.8%
No. 76 vote(s) 96.2%
  1. For those two people voted yes well "haters going hate" I guess. I like grinders and exp comes with it but I can't be akf it's too boring and other I can afk because of my limited data plan :( curse my IP
  2. The aforementioned plugin covers this :)
  3. Oh okay, I didn't understand completely, thanks for clearing that up :)
  4. Yeah. Along with raising the mob cap, it limits the amount of mobs that can be forcibly spawned in any chunk. It also does a lot more :)
  5. Ah very nice! :) This seems like a good plug-in to install!
  6. I get all of my xp from hunting the old fashioned way. I seem to do fine.
  7. Still, it is the best way in my opinion to get a large income:)
  8. I never said it's a bad idea, I just do it differently. I'm sure it's much more efficient.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. I didnt mean to make it sound hostile:)
  10. No. I love da mob spawners.
  11. Don't worry, I didn't take it that way. :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. 69 votes no. 3 yes. There ya go. No need for further discussion on this. :p