[Poll] Most Annoying Hostile Mob Part 1

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by PirateOfDW, Jan 17, 2013.


What in your opinion is the most annoying hostile mob in the game?

Poll closed Jan 24, 2013.
Creeper 22 vote(s) 24.7%
Cave Spider/Spider 15 vote(s) 16.9%
Skeleton 21 vote(s) 23.6%
Slime 2 vote(s) 2.2%
Zombie 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Witch 3 vote(s) 3.4%
Zombie Villager 1 vote(s) 1.1%
Silverfish 12 vote(s) 13.5%
Spider Jockey 5 vote(s) 5.6%
Zombie Pigmen 8 vote(s) 9.0%
  1. Woah skeletons and creepers are tied! Who's gonna break it?
  2. Spiders are the most annoying to fight with a sword.
  3. those little vermin crawly creepy scary, PURE FREAKING EVIL cave spiders, they scare the crap out of me, i have such a giant fear of spiders, this is how i almost sliced my toes off trying to get away from one once..

    normal spiders on minecraft are chill, i can handle them, but cave spiders, man, they just never stop... its just wave after wave of the floooood. :eek:

    ... my best friend, sent me a picture of a spider she found, in her house, above her bedroom door, it was so big, its eyes actually caught the light of the flash. i told her, i was never ever again, going to Australia to visit her, that she was on her own from now on, i pleaded with her for hours to come back to live here. lmfao

    no, no spiders.
    PirateOfDW likes this.
  4. I HATE SILVERFISH. They call me mean names.
    penfoldex, battmeghs and PirateOfDW like this.
  5. Battmeghs. Click on this link to see spiders pay for their spider sins!
  6. :eek:!!!!!!!
    PirateOfDW likes this.
  7. Definitely creeper; the only one that has killed me.
  8. Wishing I could have seen your face when you saw that! :p
  9. it was ten million times more horrible than this one :eek:
    PirateOfDW likes this.
  10. XD I remember the first time I saw that video. I'm not normally terrified of spiders but in this case... I was completely. If you watch that and don't get at least a little uncomfortable I question your humanity.

    EDIT: Also glad to see skeletons are in the lead as they should be since they are by far the most annoying overworld hostile mob.
  11. thanks to this, someone showed me a few weeks ago... i can no longer sit on the toilet in peace....

  12. Thanks for that..... Then again I'm pretty sure I deserved it. Well time to call the exterminators.
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. Imagine if you sat down and it..... nevermind.
    Batman is not afraid of spiders, be brave.
    PirateOfDW and battmeghs like this.
  14. Zombie villager does give you quite a fright :/
  15. i tend to sit down, half way through, remember there is a giant spider and jump off... my life is forever scared. :eek:
    .. and i'm pretty sure batman is afraid of somethings. lol
  16. UGH. Creepers are by far the most annoying thing since Justin Bieber. If only creepers could step on a lego.....:rolleyes:
    Or fall into the end forever, whichever works best.:D
    PirateOfDW likes this.
  17. I am pretty sure Batman is not afraid of things like spiders. Maybe failure or someone close too him getting hurt, but not spiders.
    battmeghs likes this.
  18. How did creepers get in the lead! Skeleton haters unite and help me defeat this foe. Vote now!
    battmeghs likes this.
  19. spider jockeys are so annoying, I know they are super rare but even if u just kill one the other one is still there