[Poll] How many alts do you have? [New Thread]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by triphora, Aug 22, 2018.


How many alts do you have?

None 10 vote(s) 20.0%
1 9 vote(s) 18.0%
2 8 vote(s) 16.0%
3 11 vote(s) 22.0%
4 3 vote(s) 6.0%
5 2 vote(s) 4.0%
6 2 vote(s) 4.0%
7 1 vote(s) 2.0%
8 0 vote(s) 0.0%
9+ 4 vote(s) 8.0%
  1. This is a "family" alt total.
    2 alts that I bought with my own money.
    3 shared alts.
    3 mains.
  2. I have one alt. I'm opening a book store some time, and I was thinking I could get another alt and name is by the store. But you see, I would have to sneak to walmart again and secretly buy a card again, because I would not dare speak to my family about minecraft because they don't understand why I would need another account.
    Oh and yes, I'm a kid. I can't drive there myself or even buy it online :p
  3. thats always fun trying to do things without parents noticing my family hates mc they think i barely play at all
    haha if only they saw how many forum posts i've made
    and i feel your pain foxy
  4. Foxy, why don't you take a bike or ride the bus? I do that all the time.
    Besides, you'll also get exercise!

    Anyway, my family tolerates Minecraft, and my dad even plays it! I'm lucky duck.
  5. got 1 alt, keep it secret and it gets me lots of stuff 2 trade with villagers ^.^

  6. Fun times on SMP1

    AyanamiKun, Egeau, Lukas3226 and 2 others like this.
  7. That's quite nice o/
  8. It is 27 bucks in Canda to buy a Minecraft game?
  9. lol in the US*
  10. He is in Canada.

    But still, that is cheap!. It's 35-40 AUD here.
  11. Kev, lol I think he was assuming you were in the US :p
  12. Personally, I've got 3 total accounts, so 2 alts.
    The first alt is just my dad's old account, feathers1664. When I was younger my dad bought one account and that's how I'd play Minecraft. But then my sister and I started playing multiplayer together, and so dad bought a second account (this one! :D).
    I think I've explained that before on a 'what does your account name mean' thread but... oh well! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    The second alt is from sometime last year (and if mojang didn't reset the password for the WRONG ACCOUNT i'd know WHEN), when I decided that I wAnTEd a ThiRD ACCOUNT sO thAT i CoUld hAve ThiRTEEn REseS!!!
    Or something like that, anyway.