So as I was rowing my boat majestically out into sea -- with my massive biceps of course; out of no where this guy decides to jump aboard. With no destination in mind, we both set out on a great adventure -- as nothing will stop him from squatting in my mobile home.
If he dies, I will intentionally and willingly go down with the ship. As he is my one, and only, first mate.
Not with him atm, when I get back to where I left him I'll attempt this, haha! I shall name him first-mate Long Arm's; as he likes to place his hands on my sides-- which I found a bit creepy, but every time I looked back he had this very creepy look in his eyes, so I thought it would be best if I didn't ask..
Update: I tried a nether portal today in hopes it would take me back to the town portal in the frontier. I ended up in someones base going through a random nether portal trying to get out.. Now I'm stuck. My bicep's no longer have the strength to pull my self up as I've rowed across the Atlantic Ocean basically. It's cold and I'm hungry and I've lost Long Arm.. Send help.. On that note, how do I kill myself in game or what do I do? Because I'm literally stuck due to anti grief protection. I've sent an S.O.S to the one and only Toade..
Oh I got stuck in his base, I couldn't get out as I had nothing on me and all the blocks were protected, I fell in a pit sorta (wall of hoppers) I managed to get out though, I broke a sea lantern and dug down 3 blocks and suicided by jumping haha. Yes I sent him a sea lantern.
Casually waiting for the wedding to start and I notice this guy majestically rowing his boat across my screen; making eye contact, wearing nothing but underwear. I laughed more than I should have at this, haha.